Kaan Akkanat

Sales Coach & GTM Advisor | Ex- LinkedIn & Google
Helping founders & sales pros to sell more and better
Ireland 5.0 (5 reviews) Active today Usually responds in a day or two


$390 / month

Best suited for sales professionals looking to excel in their craft.

3 calls per month

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I currently run my own sales consulting & coaching company. When you're ready, I can help you to overcome your most pressing sales challenges.

I specialize in turbocharging commercial teams and am passionate about helping people get better at SALES, a seriously misunderstood craft.

In the past, I've helped over 200 companies from all sectors worldwide to deploy LinkedIn Sales Navigator and generate more revenue through digital selling. Carrying that know-how and hard-earned experience to my practice, I had the pleasure of working with founders and sales professionals to help them elevate their sales craft.

I do 1:1 and group sales coaching and fractional leadership roles but people also reach out to me for advice on:

-- Sales Automation
-- Sales Playbook Design
-- CRM Optimization
-- Sales Enablement
-- Lead Generation
-- Sales Team Management
-- Outbound Strategy
-- Customer Lifecycle Management
-- Monetization
-- Go-to-Market Strategy
-- International Expansion

All of this is good and great but at the end of the day; all engagements come down to creating tangible outcomes and transformation. Below are some of the common ones my mentees/coachees/corporate clients experience as a result:

- Greater profitability
- Higher deal sizes
- Improved conversion rates
- Better sales confidence & process
- Stronger client & partner relations
- Success in scaling & expanding their team/business
- Higher target attainment & talent retention

I challenge and coach you to design strategies, habits, and overall a much more value-driven sales process to help you (or your business) perform better than you did last quarter while forging more meaningful customer relationships. This happens through a mix of performance coaching, training, tactical advice, and hands-on support.

Sounds like your cup of tea? Then, I'm happy to connect!

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What mentees say



5 out of 5 stars

Standard Plan · 
2 months

Excellent guidance. Highly proactive and creative.

Deleted wrote 1 more review for the same mentorship


5 out of 5 stars

I was looking for help with lead generation in the IT Software Services context. We just got started. Kaan comes across as a mature, insightful, and highly experienced mentor. Looking forward to a long-term relationship.



5 out of 5 stars

Standard Plan · 
1 month

I came to Kaan needing help during a transitional period in my career. He took the time to listen to my struggles and goals and put together a strategy including action items I could implement right away. He is very well organized with a positive mindset that can provide benefits to any salesperson from lead gen techniques to business acumen advice. Highly recommended!



5 out of 5 stars

Brilliant, very helpful!

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