
$300 / month

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I am a self-taught software engineer with a passion for creating innovative solutions and enhancing user experiences. In addition to my technical expertise, I am also a skilled documentation engineer who is committed to creating clear and concise technical documentation that empowers users. As a keynote speaker and event organizer, I enjoy sharing my knowledge and insights with others and inspiring them to pursue their goals. I also take pride in mentoring and supporting the next generation of tech professionals, helping them develop their skills and achieve their full potential.

For the last four years, I’ve made it my mission to pave the way for other people trying to create a better future. Through public speaking, mentoring, and actively advocating for underrepresented individuals I have helped over 2K people jumpstart their tech careers.

Recently, I have stepped into leadership roles such as Global Lead for my employers Black@Pride ERG, Documentation Engineer, Independent Dev Advocate, and Public Speaker who has spoken for over 30 conferences on topics ranging from "Getting Started with Gatsby JS", "Art of Inclusivity - How to Create Content That Is Welcoming To All", and " Why Building ERGs for Your Specific Identities Matter & How to Make it Happen".

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