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The 3 best ways to find a Python mentor

A mentor can not only help you with your career and accountability, but also with learning a new skill. In this article we showcase three ways to find a mentor to teach you Python.

The Difficult: Social Media

The most widely used but also the most difficult way to find a mentor is through social media. Look up Python experts or professional Devs and simply ask them to mentor you and walk you through the process.

If you ask a stranger to mentor you, be sure to be as respectful as possible. After all, they will spend their time for you pro bono. Be sure to ask somebody who is open for sideprojects, mentoring or other things. Asking someone to mentor you who is running a company, has family or publicly is against sideprojects can be taken as disrespectful.

The positive: If you end up finding someone, you’ll be able to work with them as long as you want and you’ll end up forming a strong bond.

The Tricky: Schools, Companies and MOOCs

Many Schools or MOOCs like Udacity provide a mentor for you while you are in school with them. It’s often free (apart from the actual tuition) to have a personal mentor, which is a crazy good perk.

The mentor will do their best to suit you, as they are often getting paid through the school. You’ll have to sign up for a Python-related course though, including Data Science courses which often are done in Python.

A mentor will be able to help you for a few months until you graduate from the course. After that you’ll have to keep looking.

The Easy: Hiring a Mentor

On communities like MentorCruise.com you are able to simply hire a personal mentor anywhere from $0/month to $100+/month.

The advantage of that is that you exactly know if they are mentoring in Python and even outside of that, the terms are very clear.

Even though it’s not the cheapest option out there (even though it’s way cheaper than a MOOC which can easily cost over $1000), it’s definitely the easiest way to do so. You’ll be up and running in under 5 minutes.

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