Over 2,000 mentors available, including leaders at Amazon, Airbnb, Netflix, and more. Check it out

How to find a mentor who is right for you

A third of professionals worldwide never experience having a mentorship figure - even though mentorship is proven to keep people accountable, advance careers and often leads to people getting into leadership positions. That’s why we built MentorCruise, and today we’re helping you choose a mentor.

Step 1: What do you want?

This is the first question that you should think about. What kind of mentor are you looking for? Here at MentorCruise, we offer mentorship in over 450 skills and topics. Think about what you want to learn or achieve. That can be a range of things.

  • Learning a new technology, such as JavaScript or Machine Learning
  • Learning soft skills, such as leadership or management
  • Just needing someone, to talk to

Based on that, identify your perfect mentor. What skills should they have? What job should they be in? What kind of experience would you like them to have.

Step 2: Does someone fit?

Next up, we made it very easy to compile your thoughts into a list of mentors. If you go to the browse page, we give you the option of searching by tags, as well as overall category. Put in your requirements, and see the list of potential mentors form.

At this point, you should select the mentors and evaluate them. Again, the evaluation is based on you, but we recommend thinking about the following:

  • Is their price okay for me for the longterm?
  • Does their timezone work for me?
  • Is their presence something I can relate to?
  • Does their Bio speak to me?
  • Do we have other synergies, e.g. hobbies, communities, interests?

All these can help you, when choosing a set of mentors.

Step 3: Apply

Next up, apply to the mentor. This is an important step, as many applications get disregarded if they are not precise enough.

  • Include your current situation
  • Include your goal
  • Include a personal message

All these points should be beyond a set of words and include a few sentences each. It makes a big difference!

Step 4: Success

Wait a few days (we recommend 4-5) and you should see replies coming in. The more applications you have out, the bigger is the chance that you’ll have a mentor in no time.

And that’s all it takes! Now you have a great mentor, and thanks to our 7-day free trial, you can change between them as much as you’d like, until you’ve found the right fit.

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Get the career advice you need to succeed. Find a mentor who can help you with your career goals, on the leading mentorship marketplace.