Dan Page

Lead Full Stack Engineer
Self-taught Full Stack JavaScript Developer
United Kingdom 5.0 (21 reviews) Active today


$280 / month

60 min calls every 2 weeks for code review, tech topics and roadmap review

2 calls per month (60min/call)

Unlimited Q&A via chat

Expect responses in 24 hours or less

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I'm a self-taught Developer with experience at large B2C companies like Deliveroo and Memrise. I have a track record of helping people get their first jobs in Tech as well as upskilling Developers to get significant pay increases.

I'm very proud of the work I've done with my mentees, check out the reviews to see my mentoring style. I'm generous with my time, calls typically last 60 minutes each and during the first week trial I include a free introductory call.

In addition, my first career was Tech recruitment where I personally face-to-face interviewed 100s of developers, designers and product managers. Therefore, I can not only coach you technically, but also help with career pathing and all the soft skills necessary to be successful in our field.

Finally, one of my strongest technical areas is Testing. I've found that most Front End Devs are relatively weak in this area. If you are looking to improve in this area in particular, then you're in the right place.

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What mentees say



5 out of 5 stars

Lite Plan · 
13 months

Dan was great to work with. He helped me grow a lot as I worked through issues that I had trouble solving. I can’t recommend him enough!



5 out of 5 stars

Standard Plan · 
22 months

Time with Dan was great, he really gave me some important insights and helped me to pick my future career. I am sure he will help many other people to get better at coding, he is very talented and engaging. Recommended

Giuseppe wrote 1 more review for the same mentorship


5 out of 5 stars

Dan is very focussed and organized, he helped me to create an effective plan of study and I am improving very fast since when we started to collaborate. He always has an answer to the problems and at the same time a way to lead me to get the solutions myself, which is the best way to get ready to be a professional. Very, very recommended.



5 out of 5 stars

Standard Plan · 
9 months

Dan helped me to craft a plan along with projects that would help me to understand Front End Development further than I ever had before. One of Dan's greatest strengths is to help you stay focused on what matters. In becoming a self-taught developer there are so many tangents and side paths that could lead you on a longer path than needed. With Dan's help, I was able to craft a solid portfolio of projects based around React, and JavaScript. His expertise in recruiting has provided insights into how to navigate and approach getting a job. Although I have not secured a job yet, I am early in the process of applying and still reach out to Dan for guidance.

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