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I currently work on cyber threat intelligence applications of ML/AI - my team delivers real ML/AI/DS work spanning both research and specific applications. In my spare time I advise companies on DS/ML, strategy, and hiring.

I am a believer that everyone needs a mentor, regardless of their current stage of life. There's always more to learn, and different ways to grow. I've been coaching and mentoring for years, and have worked with a coach myself so I know what it's like to be on the other end of this relationship.

My background is in neuroscience and computational social science, I have spent my career as a research scientist working on large scale NLP, graph, and causal research plus commercial and defense/intelligence applications. I have a lot of experience in what makes new machine learning/data science approaches work in real life with real people. I've also led ML/AI/DS at multiple companies.


- Goal setting
- Mindset training
- Time-Management techniques
- Interview/Job Search Prep & Mock Interviews
- Code Reviews - Mainly Python, but could do R or SQL too
- Presentations & Telling a Story with Data
- Project Planning - Brainstorming, planning, tracking
- Networking
- Leadership - motivating a team, building a high performing ML team, developing your leadership style

I've negotiated promotions and raises, survived re-orgs, made big leaps in my own career - I can help you do the same, if that's your goal.

I've reviewed thousands of resumes for every DS/ML role from interns to Directors, created DS/ML hiring processes for companies in multiple industries, and regularly volunteer in mock interview clinics for underrepresented students in tech.

I have years of experience teaching, coaching, and mentoring. I regularly teach seminars, deliver training for public and private companies, and advise on DS/ML curricula.

I genuinely like teaching and mentoring - so matter where you are in your career, I want to meet you.

What mentees say



5 out of 5 stars

Standard Plan · 
3 months

Liz is a great mentor! Whatever questions you come to her with, she will give you detailed and thorough answers. She'll provide you with valuable insights built on years of practical experience and help you consider angles you hadn't thought of. She'll help you understand what employers and recruiters are thinking when they look at your application. I worked with her for 3 months and she helped me polish my resume and make a long-term career plan that I'm really happy with.

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