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14 Team Building Activities for Work Tech Companies & Startups Love

Unleash your team’s potential with 14 fun & effective team building activities for work that tech companies & startups love. Boost morale, creativity, & collaboration!
MentorCruise Team

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Ever feel like your team is more like a group of strangers sharing a Slack channel than a well-oiled, innovation-churning machine? You know, the kind of team that high-fives over code breakthroughs and brainstorms over pizza?

Yeah, me too. We wish for it when we're starting out, but it turns out that it doesn't just "happen." You've got to work at it.

But don't worry, your business isn't alone in this.

Studies show that only 1 in 5 employees feel connected to their coworkers. That’s a whole lot of untapped potential, right? But hey, don’t despair, there’s a not-so-secret way to transform your teamfrom “meh” to “magical,” and it’s not another ping pong table or free kombucha (although those are nice perks, too!).

I’m talking about team building activities for work – the good kind, not the cheesy trust falls you dread. The kind that actually makes your team stronger, happier, and more productive. The kind that feels less like “mandatory fun” and more like, well, actual fun.

And who doesn’t want more of that?

This guide spills the beans on 14 team building activities that tech companies and startups actually love. We’re talking virtual escape rooms, gamified coding challenges, outdoor adventures, and even some LEGO-fueled creativity.

These aren’t just random ideas – they’re tried-and-true strategies that have helped teams like yours crush goals, build trust, and even have a few laughs along the way.

Let's dive in.

In-Person Team Building Activities for Work (Tech Companies & Startups Love)


#1 - Escape Rooms: Crack the Code, Crack a Smile

Leave the spreadsheets behind and get your team to step into a real-life puzzle.

Escape rooms are the ultimate team bonding adventure, where you and your crew race against the clock to solve riddles, uncover clues, and break free from a themed room. Think of it as a live-action video game but with higher stakes (and way more laughs). These activities engage the entire group, ensuring everyone participates and contributes to the collective success.

Goal: Sharpen your problem-solving and communication skills under pressure.

Why Tech Companies Love It:

  • Hands-on fun: A refreshing break from staring at screens.
  • Real-world skills: Critical thinking, collaboration, and communication – all essential for tech success.
  • Team bonding: Nothing like a shared adrenaline rush and a victorious escape to solidify your team’s bond.

Pro Tip: Book a private room for your team to maximize the fun and tailor the experience to your company culture.

#2 - Outdoor Hackathon: Code Under the Sun (and Stars)

Ditch the stuffy conference rooms and take your coding skills outdoors. An outdoor hackathon combines the thrill of collaborative problem-solving with the refreshing power of nature. Trade fluorescent lights for sunshine and brainstorm under the open sky.

Goal: Ignite creativity, boost collaboration, and breathe new life into your team’s coding challenges.


  1. Choose a scenic location: Park, beach, rooftop garden – anywhere with space and (optional) Wi-Fi.
  2. Set a challenge: Define a problem relevant to your company’s goals but open to creative solutions.
  3. Pack your gear: Laptops, snacks, sunscreen – the essentials for a day of coding in the wild.
  4. Hack away: Divide into teams or collaborate as a group, encouraging out-of-the-box thinking. Ensure all group members actively participate, reflecting collectively on their journey and articulating their needs to enhance communication and teamwork.
  5. Demo & celebrate: Share your solutions, learn from each other, and bask in the glow of a job well done.

Why Tech Companies Love It:

  • Nature’s boost: Fresh air and sunshine spark creativity and reduce stress.
  • Unconventional thinking: New environments inspire innovative solutions.
  • Team bonding: Shared experiences and collaborative challenges build camaraderie.

Pro Tip: Combine coding with outdoor activities like hiking or yoga for an extra energy boost.

#3 - Creative Brainstorming with LEGO: Building Blocks for Innovation


Who says LEGO is just for kids? This hands-on activity taps into your team’s inner child (and their hidden creative genius). Using LEGO bricks as your medium, you’ll build, brainstorm, and break down barriers to innovation.

Goal: Spark creativity, encourage out-of-the-box thinking, and foster collaboration through playful problem-solving. Additionally, this activity promotes strategic thinking as participants navigate complex scenarios and support one another.


  1. Gather Your Supplies: Stock up on LEGO bricks of various shapes, sizes, and colors.
  2. Set a Challenge: It could be anything from building a model of your dream product to creating a metaphorical representation of a company's value.
  3. Let Your Imagination Run Wild: Encourage everyone to contribute ideas, no matter how wacky they seem.
  4. Build Together: Work in teams or as a whole group to construct your LEGO masterpiece.
  5. Reflect and Discuss: What did you learn about your team’s creative process? How can you apply this playful approach to real-world problems?

Why Tech Companies Love It:

  • Hands-On Fun: A tactile and engaging way to break free from the digital world.
  • Unleashes Creativity: LEGO encourages experimentation and playful exploration.
  • Collaboration: Working together towards a shared goal builds trust and communication.

Pro Tip: Take photos of your LEGO creations and share them on social media with a fun hashtag (e.g., #LEGOForInnovation). It’s a great way to showcase your team’s creativity and company culture.

#4 - Field Day with a Tech Twist: Nerdy Olympics


A field day with a tech twist is a fun and active way to get your team moving, laughing, and bonding over shared interests.

These fun team-building activities are essential for fostering connections, trust, and engagement among team members, lightening the atmosphere, and creating memorable moments that enhance company culture.

Goal: Boost morale, promote teamwork, and inject some healthy competition into your workday.


  1. Choose Your Games: Think outside the traditional sports box. Opt for tech-themed challenges like:
  • Coding relay races
  • Robot building competitions
  • Virtual reality obstacle courses
  • “Hacky sack” with stress balls
  • Trivia challenges about tech history or pop culture
  1. Gather Your Gear: Whatever equipment your chosen games require, plus snacks, drinks, and maybe even some nerdy prizes for the winners.
  2. Divide into Teams: Let the friendly rivalry begin! Encourage creative team names and even some themed attire.
  3. Let the Games Begin: Keep the energy high with music, cheers, and plenty of good-natured trash talk (optional).
  4. Award Ceremony: Hand out prizes (think geeky gadgets, gift cards to tech stores, or even bragging rights) and celebrate everyone’s efforts.

Why Tech Companies Love It:

  • Active Fun: Gets everyone up and moving, boosting energy and creativity.
  • Team Spirit: Fosters camaraderie and a sense of belonging.
  • Embrace Your Inner Geek: It’s a chance to celebrate what makes your team unique.

Pro Tip: Get creative with the themes and challenges. The more quirky and tech-related, the better!

#5 - Volunteering for a Tech-Related Cause: Giving Back, Geeking Out


Volunteering for a tech-related cause is a rewarding way to give back to the community and connect with your colleagues on a deeper level. Treat it as a team-building event to foster relationships, improve morale, and create enjoyable shared experiences.

Goal: Strengthen team bonds through shared values, contribute to a meaningful cause, and boost morale.


  1. Choose Your Cause: Research local organizations that leverage technology to address social or environmental issues. This could involve teaching coding skills to underprivileged youth, building websites for nonprofits, or volunteering at a tech-focused community center.
  2. Coordinate with the Organization: Contact the organization to learn about their specific needs and how your team can best contribute.
  3. Plan Your Day: Set a date, organize transportation (if needed), and ensure everyone has the necessary information and waivers.
  4. Give Your Time and Talents: Whether it’s coding, troubleshooting, or simply offering a helping hand, your team’s skills can make a real difference.
  5. Reflect and Share: After the event, discuss the experience as a team. What did you learn? How did it feel to give back? Share photos and stories on social media to spread the word about the cause.

Why Tech Companies Love It:

  • Shared Purpose: Working together towards a common goal outside of work fosters a sense of unity and purpose.
  • Skill Development: Volunteering can provide opportunities to apply and expand your team’s technical skills in new and meaningful ways.
  • Positive Impact: Knowing you’re making a difference in the community boosts morale and strengthens company culture.

Pro Tip: Consider making volunteering a regular part of your company’s team-building activities. It’s a win-win for everyone involved.

#6 - Improv Workshop: "Yes, And..." Your Way to Better Collaboration

Think improv is just for aspiring comedians? Think again!

Improv workshops are a surprisingly effective team-building exercise to improve communication, collaboration, and creative problem-solving skills in the workplace.

Goal: Enhance communication, build trust, and encourage spontaneous collaboration within your team.


  1. Find a Facilitator: Look for improv workshops specifically designed for corporate teams. These workshops often focus on team building, communication, and leadership skills.
  2. Embrace the Unknown: Improv is all about embracing the unexpected and building on each other’s ideas. Encourage your team to let go of their inhibitions and have fun with it.
  3. Practice “Yes, And”: This fundamental improv principle involves accepting your teammates’ ideas and building upon them rather than shutting them down. It’s a powerful tool for fostering collaboration and generating new ideas.
  4. Play Games: Improv workshops often include a variety of games and team-building exercises that challenge participants to think on their feet, listen actively, and build trust with their teammates.
  5. Apply the Lessons: After the workshop, discuss how the improv principles can be applied to your work environment. How can you say “yes” more often? How can you embrace spontaneity and build on each other’s ideas?

Why Tech Companies Love It:

  • Breaks Down Barriers: Improv creates a safe space for experimentation and vulnerability, which can lead to stronger team bonds.
  • Boosts Creativity: The “yes and” principle encourages out-of-the-box thinking and innovative solutions.
  • Improves Communication: Active listening and clear communication are essential for successful improv (and successful teams!).

Pro Tip: If budget allows, consider hiring a professional improv troupe to come to your office and lead a workshop. It’s a fun and memorable experience that your team won’t soon forget.

#7 - Company Culture Scavenger Hunt: Get to Know Your (Work) Family


A company culture scavenger hunt is one of the most fun and interactive team building exercises to uncover hidden talents, learn quirky facts, and discover shared interests among your team members.

Goal: Build camaraderie, strengthen company culture, and foster a sense of belonging among employees. This activity is especially effective in helping new team members integrate into the company culture and bond with existing team members.


  1. Craft Your Clues: Create a series of clues that lead participants to different locations within your office (or even around your city if you’re feeling adventurous). Each clue should relate to a specific aspect of your company culture, values, history, or inside jokes.
  2. Form Teams: Divide your employees into teams and provide them with the first clue.
  3. Let the Hunt Begin: Teams race to solve each clue and reach the next location, where they’ll find another clue and a fun challenge or task related to company culture.
  4. Snap and Share: Encourage teams to document their journey with photos and videos. This can be a great way to create content for social media or your company newsletter.
  5. Celebrate Your Findings: Gather everyone together for a wrap-up party where teams share their experiences, funny stories, and newfound knowledge about your company's culture.

Why Tech Companies Love It:

  • Engaging and Interactive: It’s a fun way to get employees moving, interacting, and learning about their company in a unique way.
  • Strengthens Culture: By highlighting company values, history, and inside jokes, the scavenger hunt reinforces a sense of identity and belonging.
  • Uncovers Hidden Talents: You might be surprised by the unexpected skills and interests that your colleagues reveal during the hunt!

Pro Tip: Offer a prize for the winning team (think a catered lunch, extra PTO, or a fun team outing). This adds a competitive element and incentivizes participation.

Remote Corporate Team Building Activities for Work (Remote Teams, Tech Companies & Startups Love)


#1 - Virtual Escape Rooms

Let’s face it, after countless virtual meetings and endless screen time, even the most dedicated remote worker can experience a touch of Zoom fatigue.

That’s where virtual escape rooms come to the rescue! These immersive online experiences transport your team to a world of puzzles, riddles, and hidden clues, all from the comfort of their own home offices.

Goal: Ignite collaboration, spark creativity, and inject a dose of fun into your team’s remote routine.


  1. Choose Your Adventure: There’s a virtual escape room for every interest, from thrilling mysteries to mind-bending puzzles. Pick a theme that resonates with your team’s vibe.
  2. Gather Your Crew: Schedule a time that works for everyone across different time zones. Make sure everyone has a stable internet connection and a headset with a microphone.
  3. Divide and Conquer (Optional): For larger teams, split into smaller groups to tackle different puzzles simultaneously, adding a touch of friendly competition.
  4. Unleash Your Inner Sherlock: Work together to decipher clues, crack codes, and race against the clock. Some puzzles or discussions can take a few minutes to solve, making the activity brief and engaging. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box – sometimes, the most “out there” ideas lead to breakthroughs.
  5. Celebrate Your Victory (or Plot Your Revenge): Whether you escape in record time or fall short of the goal, take a moment to debrief and reflect. What worked well? What could be improved? And hey, if you didn’t make it out, there’s always a rematch!

Why Tech Companies Love It:

  • Remote-Friendly: Perfect for teams spread across the globe.
  • Engaging and Interactive: A far cry from those snooze-inducing virtual meetings.
  • Scalable: Works for small teams and large departments alike.
  • Relevant Skills: Problem-solving, communication, and collaboration – all essential for success in the tech world.

Pro Tip: Amp up the fun factor by encouraging your team to dress up in costumes that match the escape room’s theme. It’s a guaranteed laugh generator and a great way to break down any virtual barriers.

#2 - Gamified Coding Challenge: Level Up Your Skills (and Team Spirit)

Gamification isn’t just for gamers – it’s a powerful tool for boosting engagement and motivation in the workplace, especially for tech teams. By turning coding challenges into team-building games, you can foster healthy competition, encourage skill development, and add a dose of fun to your team’s routine.

Goal: Sharpen coding skills, promote teamwork, and create a sense of camaraderie through friendly competition.


  1. Design Your Challenge: Create a coding challenge that aligns with your team’s skill level and interests. You can focus on a specific language, framework, or problem-solving scenario.
  2. Set the Rules: Define the parameters of the challenge, including the time limit, scoring system, and any collaboration guidelines.
  3. Gamify It: Introduce game-like elements such as points, badges, levels, or a leaderboard to track progress and encourage participation. You can even use a gamification platform to automate the process.
  4. Provide Rewards: Offer prizes for winners or milestones reached. These could be anything from bragging rights and gift cards to a team lunch or extra PTO.
  5. Celebrate Achievements: Acknowledge individual and team accomplishments, fostering a sense of pride and motivation.

Why Tech Companies Love It:

  • Engaging and Motivating: Turns coding challenges into a fun and rewarding experience.
  • Skill Development: Encourages continuous learning and improvement.
  • Team Building: Fosters collaboration and healthy competition.

Pro Tip: Consider using a gamification platform to streamline the process and track progress. Many platforms offer customizable challenges, leaderboards, and rewards systems to make it easy and fun.

#3 - Virtual Happy Hour with a Twist: Trivia, Games, and More

Virtual happy hours have become a staple for remote teams, but let’s be honest – staring at your colleagues on a screen while sipping a beverage can get a bit stale.

That’s where adding a twist comes in.

By incorporating games, trivia, or other interactive elements, you can transform your virtual happy hour into a memorable and engaging team-building experience.

Goal: Strengthen social connections, boost morale, and create a sense of community within your remote team. This activity also reinforces team values through shared experiences and fun.


  1. Choose Your Theme: Pick a theme that resonates with your team, such as pop culture, company trivia, or even a specific decade.
  2. Plan Your Activities: Select a few games or activities that are easy to play virtually. Here are a few ideas:
  • Trivia contests (using platforms like Kahoot or Quizlet)
  • Virtual board games (using platforms like Tabletopia or Board Game Arena)
  • Pictionary or charades using a virtual whiteboard
  • Show and tell (share a fun fact or hobby)
  • Talent show
  1. Set the Mood: Encourage participants to dress up in costumes or create themed backgrounds for their video calls.
  2. Keep it Lighthearted: Focus on fun and laughter rather than work-related topics.
  3. Facilitate Conversation: Have a few conversation starters on hand to break the ice and encourage interaction.

Why Tech Companies Love It:

  • Boosts Morale: Provides a fun and relaxed way for remote teams to connect and socialize.
  • Strengthens Relationships: Helps team members get to know each other better on a personal level.
  • Creates a Sense of Community: Reminds remote workers that they’re part of a larger team.

Pro Tip: Consider using breakout rooms to facilitate smaller group conversations or games, then bring everyone back together for a final toast.

#4 - Online Murder Mystery: Channel Your Inner Detective


An online murder mystery is a collaborative and interactive team building activity where you’ll work together to unravel a web of clues, interrogate suspects, and ultimately solve a virtual crime.

Goal: Foster collaboration, critical thinking, and communication skills while having a blast.


  1. Choose Your Mystery: Many online murder mystery providers offer a variety of themes and storylines. Pick one that aligns with your team’s interests (or maybe even a subtle nod to your company’s product or mission).
  2. Assign Roles: Each team member will take on a unique character role with their own backstory, motives, and secrets.
  3. Investigate and Interrogate: You’ll receive a set of clues and information about the crime. Work together to analyze the evidence, interview suspects, and piece together the puzzle.
  4. Unmask the Killer: Through deduction and collaboration, you’ll eventually identify the culprit and solve the mystery.
  5. Celebrate Your Success (or Laugh at Your Mishaps): Whether you crack the case or end up barking up the wrong tree, take a moment to debrief as a team. Reflect on your detective work, share funny moments, and celebrate your sleuthing skills.

Why Tech Companies Love It:

  • Engaging and Immersive: Provides a unique and interactive way for remote teams to collaborate and have fun.
  • Critical Thinking: Challenges participants to analyze information, connect the dots, and draw conclusions.
  • Communication Skills: Encourages active listening, clear communication, and the ability to synthesize information from multiple sources.

Pro Tip: To enhance the experience, encourage team members to dress up in costumes that match their character roles. It’s a fun way to get into the spirit of the mystery and adds an extra layer of immersion.

#5 - Collaborative Playlist Challenge: Soundtrack Your Success

Building a team playlist is a super simple way to bring everyone together, but one of the most effective. It allows your team to bond over shared musical tastes, discover new tunes, and create a soundtrack representing your unique company culture.

NASA actually did this in the Curiosity missions, not the playlist, but played a song every single day to mark the beginning of the shift, and it became a ritual they followed for years. This follows that same legacy.

Goal: Foster team spirit, encourage self-expression, and create a sense of shared identity through music.


  1. Choose a Theme: Select a theme for your playlist, such as "Songs that Inspire Innovation," "Anthems for Productivity," or "The Ultimate Work-From-Home Soundtrack."
  2. Set a Deadline: Decide on a timeframe for the challenge (e.g., one week two weeks).
  3. Share and Collaborate: Create a shared playlist on a Spotify or Apple Music platform. Invite everyone on your team to add songs that fit the theme.
  4. Discuss and Discover: Encourage team members to share their song choices and why they resonate with them. This can lead to fun conversations, new musical discoveries, and a deeper understanding of each other's personalities.
  5. Enjoy Your Soundtrack: Once the playlist is complete, share it with the entire company. Play it during virtual meetings, brainstorming sessions, or simply as background music for a productive workday.

Why Tech Companies Love It:

  • Fun and Inclusive: Music is a universal language that can bring people together from diverse backgrounds.
  • Expresses Company Culture: The playlist becomes a unique reflection of your team's personality and values.
  • Boosts Morale: Music has the power to uplift moods and create a positive atmosphere.

Pro Tip: Take the playlist challenge to the next level by creating a music video featuring your team members lip-syncing or dancing to your custom soundtrack. It's a fun way to showcase your team's creativity and personality.

#6 - Virtual Book Club (with a Tech Focus)

Tired of discussing the latest Netflix binge? Start a virtual book club with a tech twist. Reading and discussing books related to your industry can spark new ideas, foster learning, and create a shared intellectual experience among your team.

Or, you know, just stick with novels and books the team is interested in.

Goal: Encourage continuous learning, spark conversation, and build connections through shared interests.


  1. Choose a Book: Select a book that's relevant to your industry or company's focus. It could be a biography of a tech innovator, a guide to emerging technologies, or even a sci-fi novel that explores the future of technology.
  2. Set a Schedule: Decide how often you'll meet to discuss the book (e.g., weekly, bi-weekly). You can use video conferencing platforms or online book club forums to facilitate discussions.
  3. Guide the Discussion: Prepare discussion questions or prompts to spark conversation and ensure everyone has a chance to share their thoughts and insights.
  4. Go Beyond the Book: Consider inviting guest speakers, watching related documentaries, or exploring other resources that complement the book's themes.
  5. Keep It Fun: Don't let the book club feel like homework. Encourage lively debates, share personal anecdotes, and connect the book's content to real-world challenges and opportunities.

Why Tech Companies Love It:

  • Continuous Learning: Keeps your team up-to-date on industry trends and fosters a culture of learning.
  • Sparks Conversation: Provides a forum for thoughtful discussions and exchange of ideas.
  • Shared Experience: Creates a sense of community and shared intellectual curiosity.

Pro Tip: If you have a large team, consider creating multiple book clubs based on different interests or skill levels. This allows for more focused discussions and caters to diverse reading preferences.

#7 - "Show and Tell" for Adults: Share Your Passions (and Hidden Talents)

Remember those childhood show-and-tell sessions? It's time to bring back the fun (minus the awkwardness) with virtual "Show and Tell" for your team, fun team-building events anyone can participate in.

This lighthearted activity encourages team members to share their passions, hobbies, or hidden talents, fostering a deeper understanding of each other's personalities and interests.

Goal: Strengthen bonds, build camaraderie, and discover hidden talents within your team.


  1. Set the Stage: Choose a virtual platform (like Zoom or Google Meet) and schedule a time that works for everyone.
  2. Share the Spotlight: Each team member takes a turn to share something they're passionate about. It could be anything from a hobby they pursue outside of work to a hidden talent they've been dying to showcase.
  3. Encourage Questions and Conversation: After each presentation, allow time for questions and discussion. This is a great opportunity to learn more about your colleagues and discover shared interests.
  4. Keep it Lighthearted: Encourage a fun and supportive atmosphere. This isn't about judgment or critique; it's about celebrating each other's uniqueness.
  5. Capture the Memories: Record the session or take screenshots to create a digital scrapbook of your team's shared passions.

Why Tech Companies Love It:

  • Builds Connections: Helps team members connect on a personal level, fostering stronger relationships and a more supportive work environment.
  • Uncovers Hidden Talents: You might discover that your quiet coworker is a master woodworker, or your boss has a secret passion for salsa dancing.
  • Boosts Morale: Celebrating each other's passions and interests creates a positive and uplifting team atmosphere.

Pro Tip: To break the ice, start the session with a fun icebreaker activity or a lighthearted presentation from the team leader. This sets the tone for a relaxed and enjoyable experience.


There you have it, 14 awesome team-building activities that tech companies and startups are raving about. Whether your team is remote or in-person, these ideas are sure to spark creativity, boost morale, and strengthen those all-important bonds that lead to innovation and success.

Remember, the best team-building activities are the ones that resonate with your unique company culture and cater to your team's specific needs. So, don't be afraid to experiment, get creative, and, most importantly, have fun!

Need a hand crafting the perfect team-building experience for your company? We've got your back! At MentorCruise, we connect you with expert coaches and mentors who can help you design and execute team-building activities that truly make a difference.

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