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“What Do You Like To Do For Fun” Best Ways To Ace This Interview Question

If an interviewer asks you, 'What Do You Like To Do For Fun?" what do you say? Though an easy question, there's still a wrong and right way of answering it.

Interviews... Possibly the most anxious part of getting a new job. There's a lot at stake.

Maybe it's your first job, dream job, or a job that'll help you progress in your career. Whatever it may be, they're not easy.

One interview question that seems to throw people off is, "What do you like to do for fun?". It's such a simple question; however, responses are endless. Do you make it job-related, not job-related, funny? What should you do?

At MentorCruise, our mentors understand that this is a difficult interview question. In fact, it may be one of the hardest, and they have developed easy-to-follow tactics to come up with the right answer.

In this blog about how to answer the question "What do you like to do for fun?" in your job interview, you'll learn:

  • Why do interviewers ask, “What do you like to do for fun?”
  • How to answer questions about your hobbies and interests
  • How other top interviewees have answered this exact question

Why Do Interviewers Ask, “What Do You Like to Do for Fun?”

Interviewers don’t just randomly want to know what people do for fun. They want to know more about you. Your interests, lifestyle choices, passions, and so forth.

The question "What do you like to do for fun?" comes in many variations, as well. Some include:

  • What are your hobbies?
  • What do you do outside of work?
  • What do you do in your spare time?

Nonetheless, they all mean the same thing and are targeted to learn more about you as an individual.

Examples of "What Do You Like to Do for Fun?" Interview Questions

To give you a better understanding of interview questions like "What do you like to do for fun?" below are some examples.

What do you do in your free time?

This question is simply about what you do in your free time. It gives the employer a chance to really learn more about you and how you manage your work-life balance. It could also show how you use your free time to progress your career.

Do you have any favorite hobbies?

We all have hobbies, so the interviewer will likely ask what your favorite hobbies are. You may want to say all or some of your hobbies. It's always wise to mention hobbies that relate to your skill/passion, business interests, and so forth.

Outside working hours, what do you usually like to do?

Lastly, just worded differently, you have a question about what you like to do outside work hours. You should try to keep this hobby-related and not job-related. It just gives the employer a better understanding of your personal traits.

How to Answer Questions About Your Hobbies and Interests

Now that you know a little about this type of question, here are some tips on how to answer it effectively.

Choose Your Hobbies Wisely

Before stepping into an interview, reflect on your hobbies.

Create a comprehensive list that includes everything you enjoy in your downtime, from culinary arts to gardening to the thrill of bungee jumping.

Then, evaluate your list critically. Which hobbies paint you in the best light for the job at hand? Which aligns with the skills and responsibilities outlined in the job description? Those are the ones to highlight.

Describe How Your Hobbies Make You Unique

Your hobbies can be a gateway to showcasing your individuality.

Sharing unique interests, such as a love for magic tricks or live-action role-play, could make a memorable impact on your interviewer.

Remember, every hobby has its value, particularly when presented in a captivating way.

Tie Your Hobbies to Job Values

Consider the skills and competencies each of your hobbies has helped you develop. Then, draw a line connecting these to the job for which you're interviewing.

For instance, if chess is your pastime of choice, you might discuss how it has honed your strategic thinking and discipline—qualities that are invaluable in many professional settings.

Invest in Good Storytelling

Weave your experiences and skills into a captivating story or anecdote.

Interviewers are often drawn to candidates who can seamlessly illustrate their qualifications through storytelling.

Conclude your narrative by tying it back to how these experiences make you an exceptional fit for the role you're seeking.

Use STAR or CAR Interview Method

Another great practice you can use is the STAR/CAR interview method for storytelling.

The STAR method stands for (S)ituation, (T)ask, (A)ction, (R)esult, and it boils down to answering interview questions by demonstrating past work experiences and results.

  • Situation. Set up the scene. Describe who was involved and what the problem was. Make the story relevant to the context of your interview.
  • Task. Describe your responsibilities or what initiatives you took to resolve the company’s problem.
  • Action. This is the crucial part of your story. Highlight what strategy you followed and why, your way of thinking, and your overall approach.
  • Result. Clearly state how your actions led to a positive outcome that left things better than you found them. Sum it up with what lessons you learned and what experiences you have had since then, and you’re good to go.

It’s also named the CAR method, with the acronym standing for (C)ontext, (A)ction, (R)esult.

Sample Interview Answers That Can Help You Win the Job

Now you have a better understanding of how to answer these questions, let's take a look at some examples:

Example 1: Customer Relationships

I love playing with my children in my spare time. I value human relations so much that I’m constantly aware of keeping a good work-life balance. Playing with my children allows me to relax around loved ones, just having fun, laughing, and being in the moment.

For instance, as my kids love science, our weekend activities often consist of doing fun scientific activities for kids, such as building a volcano using paper mâché, baking soda, and vinegar. For me, spending time with children is the ultimate form of practicing communication and empathy.

Example 2: Copywriter

For fun, I like to read books! Books allow me to immerse myself in new worlds and discover different characters and stories.

In addition, they help me unwind from day-to-day responsibilities and broaden my creative thinking.

What’s more, I’m currently learning French, so I’ve been reading most of my books in French to practice the language.

Example 3: PR Manager

I adore cooking in my free time! I love mixing things up and trying new tastes that might be controversial. In fact, cooking has served me well in my past position.

The company was facing reputation issues due to a social media trend tarnishing its otherwise excellent products and services. As the former PR manager of the company, I had nothing left to do but put some ingredients in the casserole!

With my initiative, we organized a social media campaign that invited users to use the specific hashtag for the company publicly online. For every hashtag used, we donated food to the homeless.

As a result, the company’s name was connected to charitable actions, and the brand reputation was back to positive.

Get Ready for Your Next Interview with MentorCruise!

Interviews are an excellent way of showcasing the value you could bring to a company.

However, the competition is higher than ever, so you’ll need to demonstrate an overall stellar presence that will make hiring managers want to call you back.

The only way to do that is by spending time preparing. And the best way to prepare is by asking your questions to a career mentor.

Book an interview coaching session with MentorCruise today and land your dream job. 

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