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Applying Product Management to Create a Better Future: The Power of “Product for Good”

I explore the intersection of technology and social impact and how product management can be applied to "product for good".
Yoav Farbey

B2B Product Manager building products with purpose

“Product for Good” is a term used to describe products or services that have a positive impact on society and the environment. These products aim to address social or environmental challenges and improve the world in some way, rather than just serving the interests of the company or its shareholders. Examples of “Product for Good” initiatives include environmentally friendly products, products that support social causes, or products that promote healthy living. The goal of a “Product for Good” is to create a positive impact beyond simply delivering a product or service to customers.

As a product manager, I have always been interested in the intersection of technology and social impact. The idea of using my skills and expertise to create products that not only generate profit but also have a positive impact on the world has always been a driving force for me. In this essay, I will explore how product management can be applied to “product for good” and the impact it can have on creating a better future.

First and foremost, it is important to understand what “product for good” means. Simply put, it refers to products that have a positive impact on society and the environment. These products can range from sustainable consumer goods to software solutions that tackle social issues such as poverty, education, and health.

As a product manager, my role is to understand the needs and desires of the target audience, and then create a product that meets those needs. This requires a deep understanding of the market, the competition, and the industry. In the case of “product for good”, the target audience is not just consumers, but also society as a whole.

Some examples of Product for Good companies

  • CleanHub: (where I work) Improving in waste management infrastructure to prevent plastic from ending up in our oceans.
  • Earth Blox: Gives Google Earth Engine’s planetary scale earth observation data with a drag-and-drop ‘no-code’ interface.
  • Amboss: Brings a combination of learning and clinical tools in one platform.
  • Swapfiets: Making cities more liveable with bike membership.
  • Klimate: Carbon removal system to manage different ways to remove CO2 emissions.
  • Hala Systems: Advanced solutions for civilian protection.
  • Sensorfact: Sensors for industry manufacturers to learn how they can reduce energy usage.

Many more companies are out there, I’d love to learn about them too, please get in touch to share their story.

How can Product management influence such companies

To create a successful “product for good”, the product manager must understand the social and environmental impact of the product. This means conducting research, consulting with experts, and engaging with stakeholders to understand the broader context in which the product will be used. In addition, the product manager must also consider the sustainability of the product, both in terms of its environmental impact and its ability to generate a positive impact over the long term.

Once the research is complete and the product manager has a clear understanding of the impact and sustainability of the product, the next step is to develop a product roadmap. This roadmap should outline the product vision, the key features and benefits, and the target audience. It should also include a detailed plan for how the product will be developed and brought to market, including a timeline, budgets, and resources.

When developing the product roadmap, the product manager must also consider the potential challenges that may arise. For example, the product may require significant investment or may face opposition from certain stakeholders. The product manager must be proactive in identifying and mitigating these challenges, and developing contingency plans where necessary.

Another important aspect of product management for “product for good” is stakeholder engagement. This includes working with a range of stakeholders, from customers and partners to government agencies and NGOs. The product manager must understand the needs and concerns of each stakeholder, and engage with them in a meaningful and respectful way. This can include consultations, co-creation sessions, and regular updates on the product’s progress.

Key Takeaways:

  • “Product for good” refers to products that have a positive impact on society and the environment.
  • As a product manager, it is important to understand the needs and desires of the target audience, which in this case also includes society as a whole.
  • Research and engagement with stakeholders are crucial in understanding the social and environmental impact of the product.
  • A well-planned product roadmap is necessary for the development and successful launch of the product.
  • Product management for “product for good” requires understanding and addressing potential challenges, as well as ongoing engagement with stakeholders.
  • Product management can play a significant role in creating products that have a positive impact on society and the environment.

In conclusion, product management is a powerful tool for creating “product for good”. It requires a deep understanding of the social and environmental impact of the product, a well-planned product roadmap, and ongoing engagement with stakeholders. By applying these principles, product managers can help create products that not only generate profit, but also have a positive impact on society and the environment. As a product manager, I am committed to using my skills and expertise to create a better future, and I believe that “product for good” has the potential to make a significant difference in the world.

Working on products with a purpose can be incredibly fulfilling, as it allows you to use your skills to make a positive impact on the world. Whether it's developing software to help people with disabilities, creating educational tools to make learning more accessible, or designing products that promote sustainability, there are many ways that digital products can be used for good.

Getting into the field of work of products making a positive impact can sometimes feel complicated and daunting. This could be for both joining an existing company or starting your own venture.

If you have more questions or would like to discuss this topic further, please don't hesitate to reach out to me on Mentorcruise or Linkedin. 

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