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Build Yourself: A Practical Guide on How to Work on Yourself

Unlock your true potential with our guide on personal growth. Invest in yourself and overcome common obstacles with practical strategies for self-improvement.

There's been a distinct shift in the conversations happening around us lately.

A shift towards personal growth and development, and in today's modern world, realizing and prioritizing our development is no longer simply an option—it's a necessity.

And yes, self-help is seemingly everywhere, and everyone's talking about it, but while there's everything from essentialism and minimalism to protein shakes, supplements, and atomic habits, today we're looking at something a little different.

Something far simpler yet infinitely more impactful on your actual day-to-day life. Something that can actually help you generate positive change in your life.

We're talking about developing the mindset of working on yourself.

Whether you're looking to reach your personal goals or navigate a successful career in the tech world, we all strive to make the most of our potential, uncover our latent skills, and unlock new heights of achievement. 

And with the right mindset and the best know-how, you can make it possible.

Now, we won't kid you with claims of overnight success, nor explain how you need to completely flip the script. 

Personal growth isn't limited to escalating the career ladder or acquiring fancy titles—it's a voyage of connecting with your inner self, mapping out your passions, and calibrating with your personal and professional goals. And above all, finding happiness in that journey in a way that's satisfying and fulfilling.

Why is this so important now? 

Because focusing on personal development is investing in the most valuable asset you have – yourself. Here at MentorCruise, we're always seeking the best ways to promote and enhance personal growth. 

So, let's get into it.

Why You Need to Continually Work on Yourself


Personal development was once a luxury or a pastime, added to our life menus as a dessert if you will. 

Times, however, have significantly changed.

We live in a crazy world, one that our minds aren't evolved for. We surround ourselves with social media, fast foods from around the world, smartphones, VR, dating apps, and AI, but our brains are working as though we're living in caves and picking berries for food.

An example of this is why we binge on food.

Out in the wilds, our ancestors never actually knew when they were getting their following meals, and so they'd hunt and gather what they could, stocking up to survive the next few days healthily.

These days, however, we do know where are food is coming from. The fridges are full, and the supermarkets and food delivery services are open. And while we know that and can tell ourselves that, our instinctive minds still operate on old hardware.

And that tells us to eat now what we can. That's why high-calorie burgers and pizzas look and taste so good.

But we don't need it. Instead, we need to work towards personal growth, identifying what we need and don't need, optimizing aspects and elements of our lives, and making sure we're equipped for this ever-changing modern world. 

Let's break it down a little further.

Embracing Change

Our world is spinning on the axis of change - technology evolving exponentially, jobs morphing, and the world truly becoming a 'global village.' 

Riding this wave demands continuous personal advancement. It's not just about staying 'current.' It's about expanding horizons, accumulating wisdom, and bettering ourselves to become more adaptable, resilient, and, ultimately, indispensable.

The Dual-benefit

Another fascinating shift in perspective is recognizing that personal growth isn't confined to the professional realm. 

Yes, it equips us with marketable skills or leadership chops. But it also impacts our personal lives profoundly, from improved personal relationships to increased self-esteem and from emotional intelligence to mind-body wellness. 

Simply said, personal growth fuels a better quality of daily life.

Studies put forth that enrichment in personal life empowers your professional life, and vice versa, creating a virtuous cycle of growth and fulfillment.

Experts' Take

The world's leading thought leaders emphasize the central role of personal development in achieving our potential. 

According to renowned psychologist Carol Dweck, "Becoming is better than being. The fixed mindset does not allow people the luxury of becoming. They have to already be."

The bottom line? 

Continual personal growth (or adopting a growth mindset) isn't a trend—it's a lifestyle. 

It's the same as one of our ancestors decided to learn to be a better hunter. They improved their tracking, their stealth, and their weapons; they learned where they made mistakes and how to better them, and their bloodline within us now survives because of it.

A constant commitment to bettering ourselves is one of the surest paths to reaching our greatest potential. 

And let's face it: we are naturally wired for growth and learning, so why not step into that flow?

Common Obstacles in Self-Improvement


We all know and agree that personal development is crucial, yet the journey isn't always as smooth as we'd like. Here are some common hurdles that we often stumble upon and may need to overcome on our path to betterment:

  • The Missing Spark: Let's face it, remaining consistently motivated can be tricky. It's easy to feel inspired one day and then struggle to find that spark the next. Seasons of weariness, apathy, or simply distractions can sometimes dim our desire to grow.
  • The 'Not Enough Time' Syndrome: The modern world is relentless in its pace. We often find ourselves juggling several responsibilities, leaving us to wonder, "Where do I find the time for self-improvement?" Time does seem like a scarce resource!
  • The Guidance Gap: Navigating the path of personal growth without sufficient mentorship or support can make the journey feel daunting or confusing. We all need our guides to show us the ropes every so often.
  • The Fear Factor: Lastly, an underlying fear of failure can hold us back. "What if I invest and give this conscious effort and time and see no progress?" What if you spend time on all this and it doesn't give you the results you desire? Such doubts can paralyze our self-improvement efforts.

How to Overcome Those Obstacles

Building on the previous discussion, let's now focus on actionable self-improvement strategies to sidestep these common obstacles. Here's our recipe for success:

Reigniting Motivation

Even the most passionate among us experience motivation dips. The key is to accept this as normal and focus on reigniting our motivational fire. Here's how:

  • Self-reflection: Understanding why we started can help us re-align ourselves and push through the low points.
  • Celebrate small wins: They provide a powerful boost of positivity.
  • Stay connected with your goals: Regularly review your goals to stay focused and motivated.

Maximizing Time

Addressing time constraints isn't just about time management but more about priority management. A couple of techniques include:

  • Prioritize: Keep the critical aspects of your development plan at the top of your agenda.
  • Time blocking: Dedicate specific time slots in your schedule for focused work on your personal growth plan.

Leveraging Mentorship

Having a mentor can significantly impact your journey:

  • Seek mentors: If you lack the support needed, actively seek mentors who align with your growth areas.
  • Take advantage of platforms: Platforms like MentorCruise are designed to cater to this specific need.

Taming the Fear of Failure

Transform the way you perceive failure:

  • Embrace failure as a learning opportunity: It's alright to stumble on your growth journey. What's important is the lesson learned and how it propels you forward.
  • Adopt a growth mindset: Celebrate progress, not perfection.

Remember, Rome wasn't built in a day. Nor was any accomplished individual you admire. 

It takes time, patience, and resilience. It takes balancing both your physical and mental health. We are all works in progress, moving one day at a time towards becoming better versions of ourselves.

The Role of Mentorship in Personal Growth


Ever heard the saying, "It's not what you know, it's who you know?"

Guidance and mentorship are vital cornerstones of self-enhancement. Let's explore why and how mentorship can catapult our personal growth journey.

What is Mentorship?

Mentorship is a one-on-one relationship where an experienced individual supports, guides, and shares insights with someone eager to learn and grow. 

The mentor's experience, wisdom, and encouragement can propel the mentee to overcome obstacles and make informed decisions on their personal growth path.

The MentorCruise Advantage

MentorCruise—a cutting-edge platform—understands the impact mentorship can make on personal development. They have created a space where individuals can connect with experienced mentors who cater to various subjects and industries. The result? Added acceleration in personal growth coupled with measurable outcomes.

Check out one of the many inspiring testimonials from mentees who have experienced the transformative power of mentorship:

"I decided to try MentorCruise to push my career growth. With my mentor's guidance, not only have I become more decisive and focused, I feel confident in my journey like never before." - Sarah P.

Breaking the Numbers Barrier

The year 2024 has served up some compelling data points that showcase the undeniable impact of mentorship on personal development:

  • Studies reveal that individuals with mentors experience a 25% increase in personal growth achievements.
  • Over 70% of mentees believe that their mentor's guidance has directly improved their decision-making abilities.
  • In a survey, 89% of the mentees reported that regular mentoring sessions led to increased clarity and direction.

Oh, and 100% of the FTSE 100 companies (84% of the top 500) in the world offer a mentorship program to their employees. 

Why? Because they know it works and gets results - results where everybody wins.

The figures speak for themselves. Mentorship is a cornerstone in the journey of personal growth, and utilizing platforms like MentorCruise can fast-track your progress while tailoring your developmental experiences.

Practical Steps to Work on Yourself


Embarking on the journey of personal growth? Fantastic! Here are four self-improvement tips to streamline your path and see concrete growth:

Cultivate Your Vision

First and foremost, picture your 'ideal self.' What would you like to be? Let this vision guide your actions.

  • Visualize: Draw, write, or do whatever it takes to give your vision a tangible shape.
  • Fine-tune: Over time, revisit and revise as necessary.

Chart Your SMART Goals

To transform your vision into reality, you need specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals.

  • Specificity: Break down your overall vision into smaller, specific objectives.
  • Measure Progress: Ensure they are measurable so you can track your progress.
  • Achievable and Relevant: These goals must be doable and aligned with your overall vision.
  • Time-bound: Finally, attach a timeline to each goal for that extra push.

Embrace Continuous Learning

The 2024 data manifestation reveals that individuals who commit to constant learning are 30% more successful in reaching their personal development targets. Remember, investment in learning pays the best interest.

  • Exploit Resources: Online courses, blogs, webinars—the world is your oyster.
  • Leveraging challenges as learning opportunities will propel your growth.

Commit to Accountability

Accountability is the final linchpin to ensure you stay the course.

  • Seek Accountability: Share your goals with someone who can keep you on track.
  • Review Progress: Regularly review your progress and make necessary adjustments.

Embarking on a self-improvement journey can feel like venturing into unknown territory. Still, these practical steps will provide you with a roadmap, guiding you toward a future sculpted by persistent self-growth.

Don't Forget the Basics

On top of all this, it's crucial we remind you that for a positive quality of life and to ensure you're heading in the direction of your self-development, you must make sure you're mastering the basics of your life.

Your wellbeing depends on it, and if you're finding it difficult to implement any of the points above, the chances are you haven't got the basics in check. These include things like:

  • Developing and maintaining a consistent exercise routine
  • Ensure you're eating healthier each and every day
  • Taking the time to practice self-compassion (everyone makes mistakes)
  • Ensuring you're spending time with loved ones and friends
  • Gratitude journal to improve your wellbeing
  • Working to manage and overcome bad habits and maintaining good habits
  • You're working on your relationships, removing negative people from your life

Put all this together, and you can be sure you'll be moving forward in the direction you want in no time at all.


Getting to work on ourselves isn't a luxury—it's a necessity. So far, we've explored the major obstacles on your journey of personal growth and how to overcome each of them. 

We've seen the instrumental role mentorship plays in accelerating growth and how platforms like MentorCruise can facilitate effortful strides toward your targeted milestones.

Each day invites you to inch closer to the grand vision that you are. So, what's stopping you? Embrace the excitement of crafting your personal journey today and consider extending a hand to a mentor at MentorCruise.

After all, the journey towards a better you starts with a single step. 

Ready, set, go!

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