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Corbet Fawcett – Meet the Mentor

Hi! I’m a passionate UXer who’s had the privilege of working in all three pillars of UX — design, research, and content. I’ve been around long enough to call myself a seasoned leader. I’m passionate, creative, and driven. Always learning. Oh, and I’m your classic introvert — I love people but hate crowds. The 1:1 connection of mentoring is perfect!
Corbet Fawcett

Mentor | Coach | Director of UX Research & Advocacy, Scotiabank

Why did you decide to become a mentor?
I’ve mentored and coached for over a decade as part of leadership roles. It’s the part of leadership that I love best. Helping people thrive in their roles is incredibly rewarding.

Around a year ago I realized that there are a lot of people struggling to find good mentorship. Discovering MentorCruise felt like discovering my perfect fit. This is a community where I can give back and help people create better workdays.

How did you get your career start?
I’ve had a pretty varied career! I’ve worked as a UX writer, user researcher, product designer, leader, and coach. People are the common thread.

I can thank mentors for some of those big career changes. At a few key moments I’ve been lucky enough to receive deep support and encouragement from amazing people. I will always be grateful to them. It’s amazing how sometimes even a short conversation can change the course of a career. I can point to three such conversations in my own life — moments that changed my future. One mentor suggested research might suit me, and that one conversation launched me into a long career in the UX research space. Another helped me transition into leadership and find new ways to measure personal success. And the third? That was an incredible woman who showed me the power of coaching to transform people’s lives. That conversation prompted me to train as a coach myself. All in all, three conversations that had a huge impact on my life. That’s why I take mentoring and coaching so seriously. We’re working together to create better lives and futures.

What do mentees usually come to you for?
I support mentees on a wide range of topics, but job search support is probably the biggest. Because I have changed careers multiple times I can be extra helpful to people struggling with career transitions.

My UX research background also comes into play. I help new and lone UX researchers grow in their roles by providing expert advice, skill-building, and a consultant’s eyes on their work. I’ve also helped people in other roles — research is a foundational skill that comes in handy for designers, writers, product owners, and others too.

What’s been your favourite mentorship success story so far?
Over the past year, I’ve had the opportunity to support one mentee from Day 1. Our initial conversation was about how to rock the first 90 days in a new role, and she did more than that! We’ve connected regularly as she built her internal network, delivered her first projects, and developed a new research practice for her company. By the end of the year she earned stellar reviews and negotiated a great salary increase. It’s been amazing seeing her confidence build over our time together.

What are you getting out of being a mentor?
Mentoring others has been an incredible experience. I’ve supported over 40 mentees in 2022 alone and I’m hoping to help even more in 2023! During the early days of the pandemic I really valued the sense of connection that mentoring offered. As we worked from our homes, connecting with people around the world helped break the isolation and rekindle a sense of community. I may be an introvert, but I love people! Mentoring brings amazing people together, nurtures connections, and helps people realize their dreams. Who wouldn’t want more of that?



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