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Employee Spotlight Examples: 5 Tech Companies That Are Nailing It (and What You Can Learn)

Discover how top tech companies use employee spotlights to attract talent, boost morale, and build their brand.
MentorCruise Team

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Raise your hand if you've ever felt like your company's "About Us" page is drier than week-old toast.


Yeah, me too. And I'm betting your potential hires feel the same way.

Yet, in the tech industry, talent is hotter than a CPU on overclock. Everyone enterprise and startup under the sun vying for those rockstar developers, savvy marketers, and visionary leaders. So, how do you make your company stand out from the endless sea of job postings and corporate jargon?

Enter the employee spotlight: your secret weapon to create an employee spotlight and showcase the awesome humans behind your awesome tech.

Think of it like this: your employees are the heart and soul of your company. They're the ones coding the next big thing, designing mind-blowing interfaces, and keeping the whole operation running smoothly.

But let's be real; job descriptions and LinkedIn profiles only tell half the story, and that's where employee spotlights come in.

These highlights are your chance to pull back the curtain, give candidates a sneak peek into your positive work culture, and show off the unique personalities that make your team tick.

In this guide, we will dive into 5 tech companies that are absolutely nailing their employee spotlights. We'll break down what makes their approach so effective and give you actionable tips to create your own spotlight program that'll have top talent knocking down your (virtual) door.

Let's get into it.

5 Tech Companies Nailing Employee Spotlights


First and foremost, let's look under the hood at some of the best examples of internal employee spotlights to showcase what they're all about and what you can do with them. These are the companies who have pretty much turned this process into an art form.

Through employee spotlight post content and programs, they engage their audience, promote their brand, and foster trust and loyalty among employees and customers.


Okay, maybe this one's not so surprising, but Google's "Life at Google" blog is a masterclass in employee storytelling.

They go beyond job titles and dive into the quirky hobbies, side hustles, and personal passions of their Googlers. You'll find most of the content on the @lifeatgoogle Instagram page and YouTube channel, with a lot of focus recently on trends and how Googlers are making the most of special annual events and the sorts.

On the YouTube channel, there's a bit more of a dedicated focus on actual employment content, with tutorials and talks from Googlers on finding community while at Google, building a career, and balancing work-life balance.


This email marketing giant knows how to make employee spotlights fun and engaging. Their "Meet Mailchimp" series.

Admittedly this is a bit slimmed down from what it used to be, now a single page that makes it obvious it's for people looking for jobs. However, it will contains quotes and videos recorded by employees that showcase difference aspects of the company.

Life at Delta

Perhaps my personal favorite, the Life at Delta Instagram page is the most dedicated and transparent employee spotlight community - by far one of the best and most tangible examples of a successful employee spotlight via social media posts.

Throughout the page, you'll find real-life examples of Delta employees at work, hanging out, and what day to day life is like behind-the-scenes. Even if you're just curious, I encourage you take a scroll down the page. It's interesting, to say the least, and by far one of the most unique ways to encourage employee recognition.

Life at Gallo

Taking a leaf out of the Delta playbook, here's another Life at series that puts outstanding employees at the helm of a social media. This one has a lot of beautiful examples of what an employee spotlight can cover, including employee interviews, personal photos (new babies, birthdays, this kind of thing), and so much more.

This is also mixed with behind-the-scenes shots of Gallo and event photos and videos, making very interesting to the general public and brand fans, as well as potential employees.


AIHR take their employee spotlights seriously, making sure they write and introduce the world to every single new employee via a dedicated LinkedIn post. This is a great way of getting both new and existing employees on the same page, breaking the ice, and making each and every employee feel seen and valued.

Employee recognition doesn't get much better than that!

Key Takeaways

  • These companies go beyond basic bios and job descriptions.
  • They use storytelling, visuals, and humor to make their spotlights engaging.
  • They showcase a diverse range of roles and personalities.
  • They're not afraid to be vulnerable and transparent.
  • They highlight their values and company culture.

How to Create Your Own Internal Employee Spotlight Program


Okay, enough ogling other companies' spotlights. It's time to roll up your sleeves and create your own star-studded show! Here's a step-by-step guide to get you started:

Using a standardized employee spotlight questionnaire and an employee spotlight template is crucial to gathering consistent and relevant information, making your spotlights more engaging and inspirational.

Define Your Goals

Before your employees step into the limelight, let's map out your spotlight program's destination. Clearly defining your goals will help you create content that truly resonates and drives results.

Here's a breakdown to get you started:

  • Talent Acquisition: Do you want your spotlights to act as a siren song, luring in top-tier candidates? If so, focus on showcasing career paths, skill development opportunities, and the overall employee experience.
  • Boost Employee Engagement: Are you aiming to boost morale and create a company culture of appreciation? Highlight individual achievements, team collaborations, and the unique personalities that make your company thrive.Increased Employee Engagement: Highlighting individual achievements and team collaborations can lead to happier and more productive employees, greater loyalty to your employer brand, and long-term retention in a competitive job market.
  • Increased Employee Engagement: Highlighting individual achievements and team collaborations can lead to happier and more productive employees, greater loyalty to your employer brand, and long-term retention in a competitive job market.
  • Employer Branding: Want to paint a vivid picture of your company's culture for the world to see? Feature employee stories that reflect your values, work environment, and social impact initiatives.
  • Internal Communication: Need to bridge the gap between departments or share knowledge? Use spotlights to showcase cross-functional projects, highlight expertise, and encourage collaboration.

Pro Tip: Don't be afraid to combine goals! Many successful spotlight programs address multiple objectives simultaneously.

Key Questions to Ask

What specific outcomes do we want to achieve? (e.g., increase applications by X%, improve employee satisfaction scores)

  • Who is our target audience? (e.g., potential hires, current employees, industry peers)
  • What channels will we use to share our spotlights? (e.g., company blog, social media, internal newsletters)
  • How will we measure success? (e.g., website traffic, social media engagement, employee feedback)Tracking the use of an employer branding hashtag on social media
  • Tracking the use of an employer branding hashtag on social media

By answering these questions upfront, you'll create a focused and effective employee spotlight program that not only shines a light on your people but also fuels your broader business objectives.

Choose Your Format

Now for the fun part: injecting some pizzazz into your employee spotlights.

Let's ditch the one-size-fits-all approach and explore the dazzling array of formats at your disposal:

  • Blog Posts: Unleash the storytelling power of the written word. Share in-depth interviews, career journeys, and personal anecdotes that give readers a glimpse into the hearts and minds of your employees. Use employee spotlight questions to create engaging and personalized content. Think Google's "Life at Google" series.
  • Videos: Bring your spotlights to life with captivating visuals and sound. Create short documentaries, behind-the-scenes tours, or even employee-led vlogs. Take inspiration from InVision's video spotlights.
  • Social Media: Grab attention with eye-catching graphics, bite-sized quotes, and interactive polls. Share snippets of employee stories across platforms like Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Check out Mailchimp's social media spotlights for ideas.
  • Podcasts: Dive deep into conversations with your employees. Explore their career paths, passions, and unique perspectives in an audio format.
  • Interactive Experiences: Break the mold with virtual reality tours, employee-hosted webinars, or even a "day in the life" Instagram takeover.

Pro Tip: Tailor your format to your audience. Tech-savvy candidates might be drawn to videos, while executives might prefer in-depth employee spotlight posts.

Don't Forget:

  • Mix it up! Experiment with different formats to keep things fresh and engaging.
  • Repurpose content! A video interview can become a blog post, social media snippets, and even podcast material.
  • Get creative! There are no rules when it comes to showcasing your amazing employees.

By thinking outside the box and embracing a variety of formats, you'll create employee spotlights that resonate with your audience and leave a lasting impression.

Develop a Content Strategy

It's time to put on your thinking cap and map out your content strategy. How often will you release new spotlights? Will you feature different departments or roles? What kind of stories will you tell?

Think about what your audience will find interesting and engaging, and create a plan that keeps them coming back for more.

Remember, consistency is key.

Leveraging employee advocacy can also help promote the spotlights through social media by encouraging employees to share content using prompts, digital assets, and hashtags.

Get Creative with Storytelling


Ditch the boring bios and yawn-inducing job descriptions. It's time to infuse your employee spotlights with authenticity, personality, and a dash of storytelling magic.

Think of it as a backstage pass to the lives of your rockstar employees – without the paparazzi:

  • Unearth Hidden Talents (and Maybe a Few Quirks): Go beyond the 9-to-5. Does your marketing guru have a secret passion for underwater basket weaving? Or maybe your lead developer is a champion air guitarist? These unexpected tidbits make your employees relatable and memorable. Use an employee spotlight template to gather these unique stories.
  • Show, Don't Just Tell: Actions speak louder than words, right? Instead of simply stating, "Mike is a creative problem-solver," share an anecdote about how he MacGyvered a solution to a major product launch crisis using duct tape and a paperclip.
  • Visuals Are Your Friend: Snag photos of your employees in their element – brainstorming sessions, team-building escapades, or even candid moments around the coffee machine. Bonus points for quirky headshots that showcase their unique personalities.
  • Wit and Humor, Please: A touch of wit can go a long way in making your employee spotlights engaging. Sprinkle in a clever pun or lighthearted anecdote to keep your readers entertained. Remember, this isn't a board meeting – it's a celebration of your awesome people!
  • Break the Mold: Step outside the traditional employee spotlight format. Experiment with different storytelling techniques, interview styles, or even a "day in the life" social media takeover.

Pro Tip:* Get your employees involved in the storytelling process! Their authentic voices will resonate far more than a generic corporate write-up.*

By crafting genuine stories that reveal your employees' passions, quirks, and triumphs, you'll create employee spotlights that not only engage your audience but also leave them with a lasting (and hopefully positive!) impression.

Measure Your Success

You've put in all this effort, so don't forget to track your results! Use analytics tools to measure engagement, website traffic, and social media accounts and shares. Keep an eye on comments and feedback to see what's resonating with your audience.

Additionally, track engagement through internal communication channels to understand how your content is being received within the organization.

By tracking your progress, you can refine your approach and make your employee spotlights even more impactful.

Bonus Tips

  • Offer incentives for employees to participate (who doesn't love a free coffee or company swag?).
  • Rotate spotlight types to keep it fresh (think Q&As, day-in-the-life features, or even employee-created content).Utilize employee spotlight programs to feature different types of spotlights, showcasing examples, and employee spotlight ideas for recognizing and appreciating employees' work.
  • Utilize employee spotlight programs to feature different types of spotlights, showcasing examples, and employee spotlight ideas for recognizing and appreciating employees' work.
  • Don't just focus on big achievements – celebrate the everyday wins and small acts of kindness that make your company special.


And with that, stop looking at other companies and start looking at your own, especially your rockstar employees. We all know that a company is only as good as its team, and this is one of the best ways to take pride in those who thrive while encouraging others to join in.

After all, these efforts are proven to go a long way in increasing employee engagement, resulting in happier and more productive employees, greater loyalty to the brand, and long-term retention in a competitive job market.

Ready to level up your employee spotlight game?

Get expert advice, insider tips, and personalized guidance from industry pros on Mentorcruise. Our mentors and coaches can help you craft compelling narratives, master various formats, and create an employee spotlight program that'll make your company the envy of Silicon Valley.

Because, let's face it, every superhero needs a trusty sidekick.

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