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How to hire and keep tech workers around during COVID-19

In 2020, the demand for tech workers increased due to the coronavirus lockdown. Hiring and keeping tech workers became an uphill battle. World-class organizations like Google and Microsoft are offering exceptional six-figure salaries to attract and hire the best candidates in the market.

However, retaining tech workers requires a lot more than just an eye-catching wage. Their demands are higher, and they look for a job that allows them to improve their wellbeing. If you feel lost and don’t know what to do to improve your strategies, these tips will enable you to hire and keep tech workers around during hard times.

Offer Tuition Reimbursement Benefits to Help Employees Develop Their Skills

No matter what kind of tech employee you seek to hire, they all are looking for professional development. If you seek to make them feel engaged, give them what they want. Offering tuition reimbursement benefits is among the best options to keep tech employees around. It allows them to join outstanding vocational schools like Metis to keep their skills up-to-date.

The tech market is growing fast, and tech employees can be left behind easily. If you don’t allow them to update their skills, your company won’t be on the road to success. If you don’t go further to meet tech workers’ demands, your company may start to crumble. Keep in mind that tech employees are playing an important role in helping organizations move forward.

Make Use of the Digital World to Approach Potential Hirings

The coronavirus lockdown has made jobless people spend more time online looking for a job. Given that, taking advantage of digital platforms is a great strategy to approach potential hirings. Don’t hesitate to use social networks like Instagram or Facebook to attract top tech talent. Many job seekers, like digital marketers and web developers, are using their profiles as a portfolio to impress employers.

On the other hand, if you want to be more professional, LinkedIn is what you need. LinkedIn is among the best platforms for job seekers and employers. Nowadays, the company offers machine learning features to help hiring managers find qualified employees in less time. So, reaching a smaller pool of qualified candidates is no challenge.

Offer Remote Positions to Help Workers Improve Their Wellbeing

Remote work has become a 2020 standard, and it has proven that it’s beneficial not only for companies but for employees. Remote workers are able to create their own schedules and spend more time with their loved ones. Offering remote positions will help you to increase tech workers’ job satisfaction. As a result, your current tech team won’t think about leaving your company. When employees feel comfortable at work, they start telling others how great it is.

Offering remote positions also allows you to reach trustworthy candidates. Therefore, if you seek to hire a tech employee like a full stack engineer, you must let them work from home. After all, this is essential to meet their demands.

Consider Increasing Their Salaries

Tech workers are looking for a meaningful job. If you give them everything but a good salary, they won’t think twice before writing a resignation letter. Many companies are offering outstanding salaries, and you shouldn’t be an exception. Analyze your finances and see how you can meet their standards. If you can’t afford six-figure wages, you should think about offering monthly bonuses. This will enable you to attract skilled aspirants and make current employees feel special.

Create a Good Work Environment and Let Employees Build Relationships With Their Colleagues

Employees are not machines, and if you want to keep them happy, you should allow them to build new relationships. Creating a good work environment is a great way to keep employees motivated. When they are in a good mood, they will work harder to meet your company’s goals. On the other hand, most aspirants look for a job that enables them to create new relationships. Don’t forget that networking has become essential to land a job or have better job opportunities.


Staying in the game won’t be easy, but considering these tips will help you stand out from others. Hiring and keeping tech workers has become a whole new challenge during Covid-19. If you want to take your company to the next level, you must meet tech workers’ needs. Make your company a great place to learn and allow employees to have a better work-life balance. This is essential for becoming an attractive employer and catching skilled workers’ attention.

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