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Natalie Skvortsova – Meet the Mentor

A Product Lead with 12 years of experience in BigTech, primarily at Google. I've launched products with Google Assistant, rolled out new Google Maps features, and even helped transition Google offices to IoT smart buildings. Along the way, I've mentored numerous start-ups and scale-ups, and I'm currently collaborating with Helsinki University to mentor their incubator entrepreneurs.
Natalie Skvortsova

Product Lead, Google

Why did you decide to become a mentor?

It all started innocently enough. Colleagues started seeking my advice on career paths and business strategies. I figured, "Why not make it official?" Two years and a coaching certification later, I emerged as a mentor, eager to share my knowledge and experience with others. Now, I have the privilege of guiding aspiring professionals and entrepreneurs, helping them navigate the ever-evolving tech landscape. It's a fulfilling endegavor that allows me to give back and empower others to achieve their goals.

How did you get your career start?

I wasn't always a tech evangelist. In my early 20s, I landed my first full-time job as a Financial Analyst at Procter & Gamble, later becoming a Financial Manager. But let's be honest, spreadsheets can only hold your attention for so long. I yearned for something a bit more dynamic and ambiguous, which led me to Google. Over the past 12 years, I've lived in six countries and worked on exciting projects like Google Maps, YouTube, and Google Assistant.

What do mentees usually come to you for?

My mentees come with a wide range of aspirations and challenges. Some are seeking career clarity, eager to climb the corporate ladder or make a strategic pivot. Others are entrepreneurs, grappling with the complexities of launching or scaling their startups. They come to me for guidance on everything from refining their elevator pitch to discussing the product development. I serve as a sounding board, a cheerleader, and a trusted advisor, helping them identify their strengths, overcome obstacles, and chart a course towards their goals.

What's been your favourite mentorship success story so far?

I've seen some inspiring transformations in my mentoring career. One startup went from pitching me their MVP idea to securing a significant round of funding and getting real paying clients just six months later. Another mentee skyrocketed from Head of Design to VP of Marketing and later CMO in what felt like a blink of an eye. It's a testament to the power of mentorship and the resilience of the human spirit.

What are you getting out of being a mentor?

Mentoring is an incredibly rewarding experience on many levels. Witnessing the growth and success of my mentees is profoundly fulfilling. Their triumphs feel like my own, and their resilience inspires me. Beyond that, mentorship keeps me intellectually engaged, constantly learning and evolving alongside my mentees. It also provides a unique opportunity to give back, sharing the knowledge and experience I've accumulated over my career. In essence, mentoring is a continuous journey of growth, connection, and shared accomplishment.

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