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Neuroscience of mistakes - and workarounds

In the tapestry of human experience, the thread of error weaves an intricate pattern. From the smallest slip of the tongue to the most consequential misjudgment, mistakes are an inseparable part of our journey.
Anna Voznaya

IT Business mentor and neurocoach, top manager in IT, managerial partner, investor

 As neuroscience illuminates the inner workings of our minds, it offers profound insights into why we make mistakes and how we can navigate these intricate landscapes. Join us on a journey through the synaptic pathways and neural networks as we explore the fascinating neuroscientific perspective on the origins of our errors and unveil the strategies that empower us to transcend them.

Point 1: Cognitive Processes — Unraveling Interpretation:

The human brain is an extraordinary interpreter of the world around us. Yet, this interpretation isn’t infallible. Cognitive processes encompass perception, memory, and thought. In this realm, mistakes can emerge when our brain’s interpretation misaligns with reality. The dance of neural networks, where countless neurons communicate, sometimes stumbles, leading to illusions and inaccuracies. The workaround lies in refining critical thinking skills, fostering skepticism, and engaging in mental exercises that challenge our brain’s propensity for bias.

Brain Activity: Our brain processes information through intricate neural networks. When information is interpreted or recalled, multiple brain regions communicate to form a coherent understanding. Mistakes can occur when these networks misinterpret or distort information due to biases or inaccuracies in neural connections.

Workaround: Engage in cognitive exercises that challenge your brain’s interpretation skills. For instance, practice looking at optical illusions or engage in activities that require analyzing complex data sets. These exercises can promote neural plasticity, improving your brain’s ability to accurately process information.

Point 2: Limited Processing Capacity — Navigating Cognitive Overload:

The intricate choreography of brain activities is harmonized by finite resources. When confronted with excessive information or the allure of multitasking, these resources become strained. Errors become an unintended consequence of this cognitive juggling act. To circumvent this, we delve into the art of prioritization and mindfulness. By breaking down complex tasks and immersing ourselves in the present moment, we create a haven where cognitive overload finds no fertile ground.

Brain Activity: Cognitive resources are finite, and the brain allocates them based on priority. When multitasking or dealing with overwhelming information, the brain’s limited capacity can lead to errors as it struggles to distribute resources effectively.

Workaround: Practice task prioritization and mindfulness. Break down tasks into smaller steps and allocate focused attention to one task at a time. Mindfulness techniques, such as meditation, enhance the brain’s capacity to manage cognitive load, reducing the likelihood of errors.

Point 3: Automatic vs. Controlled Processing — A Delicate Equilibrium:

Within the symphony of our neural processes, automatic and controlled thinking find their place. Yet, these companions aren’t immune to discord. Automatic processes, shaped by habit, can misfire in unfamiliar territories, while controlled processes can be hampered by emotional turbulence. Our sanctuary is metacognition — an awareness of thinking. It allows us to consciously shift between these modes, aligning our mental gears with the task at hand.

Brain Activity: Automatic processes rely on well-established neural pathways, while controlled processes involve more deliberate thinking and engage prefrontal cortex activity. Errors can occur when automatic processes misfire in complex situations or when controlled processes are hindered by cognitive fatigue.

Workaround: Develop metacognition, the awareness of your thinking processes. Recognize when automatic processes might lead to errors and intentionally engage controlled thinking for critical decisions. Techniques like cognitive reappraisal can help redirect your brain’s response toward controlled processing in emotionally charged situations.

Point 4: Neural Networks — Wiring the Mind’s Symphony:

The neural networks within our brain interlace perceptions, emotions, and decisions. However, in this complex web, miscommunication can sow the seeds of errors. The path to harmony involves cognitive exercises that bolster interregional connectivity. Crossword puzzles, memory games, and the pursuit of diverse skills foster the interplay of these neural harmonies.

Brain Activity: Neural networks involve coordinated firing of neurons across different brain regions. Errors can arise when miscommunication occurs due to weakened neural connections or conflicting signals between regions.

Workaround: Engage in brain-training exercises that encourage interregional communication. Crossword puzzles, Sudoku, and memory games stimulate neural pathways and foster better connectivity. Learning new skills, especially those involving multiple cognitive domains, can strengthen communication between brain regions.

Point 5: Attentional Biases — Navigating the Bias Within:

The spotlight of attention is a valuable yet capricious tool. It’s a tool that sometimes falls prey to biases, captivating us with the striking while obscuring the significant. Here, the strategy is attentional agility. We hone our capacity to shift attention intentionally, reducing the impact of biases and enhancing our ability to discern crucial details.

Brain Activity: Attentional biases are a result of selective neural processing. Certain stimuli capture attention more readily due to optimized neural pathways, potentially causing the brain to overlook crucial details.

Workaround: Practice attentional shifting. Engage in activities that challenge your brain to redirect focus intentionally. Mindfulness meditation trains your brain to notice and redirect attention, reducing the influence of biases and enhancing your ability to notice important information.

Point 6: Emotional State — Affecting Cognitive Waters:

Emotions paint our thoughts with vivid hues. However, emotions can also stir cognitive turbulence, leading to errors. Stress, anxiety, and fatigue can eclipse rational thinking, steering us toward hasty decisions. To navigate these stormy waters, we learn the art of emotional regulation. Techniques that rebalance brain activity, such as mindfulness, grant us a steady hand at the helm of decision-making.

Brain Activity: Emotions are regulated by brain regions like the amygdala and prefrontal cortex. Stress and anxiety can overactivate the amygdala, impairing prefrontal cortex function and hindering rational decision-making.

Workaround: Develop emotional regulation techniques. Mindfulness-based stress reduction exercises can rebalance brain activity by engaging the prefrontal cortex, improving emotional control and decision-making.

Point 7: Neurotransmitters and Neuromodulation — Balancing Brain Chemistry:

In the intricate chemistry of the brain, neurotransmitters and neuromodulators sculpt our cognitive landscape. Imbalances in this symphony can distort decision-making. Our countermeasure involves nurturing our brain’s chemistry. Through a wholesome lifestyle, exercise, and balanced nutrition, we cultivate an environment where neurotransmitters harmonize, refining our cognitive harmony.

Brain Activity: Neurotransmitters and neuromodulators influence neural communication. Imbalances can disrupt information flow, affecting cognitive processes and decision-making.

Workaround: Maintain a healthy lifestyle. Regular exercise and a balanced diet support optimal neurotransmitter function. Engage in activities that promote the release of “feel-good” neurotransmitters like serotonin, enhancing your brain’s ability to make informed decisions.

Point 8: Brain Development — The Evolutionary Canvas:

Our brain’s development is a masterpiece in progress. Yet, incomplete development in certain areas can lead to errors. To address this, we embark on a journey of continuous learning. Engaging in novel experiences and honing new skills invites neural growth, ensuring the canvas of our brain is adorned with the hues of cognitive evolution.

Brain Activity: Brain development involves neural pruning, where unused connections are eliminated and important pathways are strengthened. Incomplete development in certain regions can lead to errors in impulse control and decision-making.

Workaround: Stimulate neural growth through cognitive challenges. Engaging in activities that require planning, problem-solving, and decision-making can promote the development of frontal brain regions responsible for executive functions.

Point 9: Overconfidence Bias — Taming the Confidence Mirage:

Within our brain’s theater, the curtains sometimes rise on the stage of overconfidence. This bias can lead us to dance with danger, underestimating potential pitfalls. The remedy lies in introspection. We raise the curtain on our self-assessment, seeking feedback and grounding our confidence in reality.

Brain Activity: Overconfidence bias arises from brain areas responsible for self-assessment and decision-making. It results from a discrepancy between perceived and actual abilities.

Workaround: Foster metacognition and feedback-seeking behavior. Engage your brain’s reflective processes to assess your confidence levels objectively. Regularly seek feedback from peers or mentors to recalibrate your self-assessment accurately.

Point 10: Learning Process — The Alchemy of Growth:

Mistakes, often seen as blunders, are in fact the alchemical ingredients of growth. Our brain’s plasticity ensures that errors are not endpoints but gateways to transformation. Here, the elixir is a growth mindset. Embracing mistakes as catalysts for evolution, we engage in error-based learning. Through this lens, every misstep becomes a stepping stone.

Brain Activity: Learning involves synaptic plasticity, where neural connections strengthen or weaken based on experience. Mistakes trigger brain activity that promotes adjustments and learning from errors.

Workaround: Embrace a growth mindset and error-based learning. Emphasize learning from mistakes rather than fearing them. Engage in reflective practices that encourage your brain to analyze errors and develop strategies to improve future performance.


In the intricate dance of neurons and synapses, the origins of our mistakes are unveiled. Yet, armed with the wisdom of neuroscience, we stand equipped to transcend these origins. Through the artistry of prioritization, mindfulness, emotional intelligence, and cognitive exercises, we journey toward error reduction. With each step, we embrace the lessons of our brain’s complexity, transforming the inevitability of mistakes into opportunities for growth and enlightenment. As we navigate the labyrinthine pathways of our minds, the compass of neuroscience guides us toward a horizon where errors are not the end, but the beginning of a profound journey of self-discovery.

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