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The C in CEO stands for Confidence

Being a CEO or Founder is hard. The pressure, the expectations, and the responsibility are all overwhelming. If I had listened to my fears and doubts, and stayed there, I wouldn't be here today sharing with you my path. Here are three things that helped me develop my confidence along the way:
Francisco Troiano

Head of Global Business Solutions, Mitrol


Being a CEO or Founder is hard. The pressure, the expectations, and the responsibility are all overwhelming. If I had listened to my fears and doubts, and stayed there, I wouldn't be here today sharing with you my path. Here are three things that helped me develop my confidence along the way:

Building your confidence

Confidence is a skill you can learn. It's not something you're born with, but it's something you can cultivate.
Confidence comes from you being comfortable in your own skin. Be true to your values, know your virtues and limitations and in time, you will stop doubting yourself. I find journaling daily a great way of keeping myself accountable.

We often compare ourselves to other founders or CEOs in social media or the news, not realizing that we are looking at a single frame, in someone's movie.

Stop wasting time scrolling trough social feeds, and start investing that time in yourself. The only way forward is benchmarking yourself against your true opponent, you.

Getting past imposter syndrome

You’re not alone. Did you know 70% of people in positions of power and leadership felt like an imposter at some point during their careers? I know I felt so when I first started talking to C levels. Dr. Valerie Young’s research on the topic says its common among CEOs & Founders, specially first-timers.
If you are feeling this way now, know that it will pass; yet, there are some ways to get through it faster and safer:
  • Recognize that you are not alone! Take comfort from knowing others have gone through similar feelings before too!
  • Talk to other CEOs or Founders who have been successful in their own ventures before. MentorCruise is a great opener for this very reason. They will understand what it means when someone says "I'm not good enough" because they've probably felt that before themselves.
  • Be yourself. More often than not, we try so hard to be someone that we are not, and it shows. You are unique, grow beyond "who you should be" and be yourself.
  • Celebrate your achievements. Its easy to lose track of our achievements, and get overwhelmed by our to-do list. Write down your achievements and review them by week's end.
  • Plan for success. Get your steps in order. Make systems that work for you and your goals. And make sure to follow trough. Don't be afraid to iterate and change your processes over time.
  • If you feel fear doing something, congratulations. Its your brain telling you are past your confort zone. Good. Try not to freeze. Keep hustling.
Your brand is you
Don't be afraid to show your personality and be yourself. Communication is about connecting with people in a genuine way, so don't be afraid to share something personal from time to time.

Can you name your IKIGAI?

Yes, I know, IKIGAI is as old as it gets. Yet, when was the last time you checked back on yours? Set apart a 30 minute session this week, without any interruptions. First thing in the morning if you can. Start with a template of your IKIGAI. Revisit your confluence between what you love, what you are good at, what the world needs and what you can be paid for.
Once you define your IKIGAI, your values will follow, and you will be able to check if everything you do is aligned with your values and 

It might take more than one session (it took me 3). Make sure to write down your progress and review it with a clear mind.

Be yourself 

It's important for leaders to let their personality shine through in their conversations. I don't mean being flashy or arrogant, but showing that they're human like everyone else is. Mistakes will happen, so make sure to learn from them and move on!


We've discussed on how Confidence affects who we are and how we behave. We've scratched the surface on its magnified impact when we are C levels or founders at our companies.
While there's no single right path, all these traits can be learned and honed over time. No one is born with all the right skills; they can be developed through hard work and practice.
If you feel stuck in your path or think there is room for improvement, send me a message. I will try my best to help you get where you need to be!

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