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The four-day workweek

Heidi Kalmár shares her positive experience with the four-day workweek in this article after nearly two years of following this schedule. She found that it significantly changed her and her husband's life for the better, leading to improved work-life balance, better mental and physical health, and a more fulfilling social life. Their stories encourage employers to consider implementing similar opportunities for their own employees, recognising the potential benefits that a healthy work-life balance and greater career development can bring to their organisation.
Heidi Kalmár

🚀 Strategic Growth Mentor & Biz Dev Expert | 13+ Yrs | Ex-Salesforce, Zoom, Sastrify | Specialising in B2B sales, Strategic Development, Lead Gen, Sales Acceleration, SaaS Scaling, & Tech Optimisation, Zero2Hero Enablement

Responding to a recession in the early 1990s, the public sector in the Netherlands began offering a four-day week to staff to save money. The four-day workweek has been gaining popularity in recent years also and for good reason. More and more people are realising that a shorter workweek can lead to greater productivity, better work-life balance, and improved mental health. I hope to raise awareness so that more companies will adopt this style of working. Employees should be given the opportunity to try this amazing approach to make a bigger impact.

As people who have been working a four-day workweek for nearly two years now, we can confirm the many benefits it offers. Here are just a few of the reasons why we love our four-day workweek:

I find myself much more productive

Since we have a shorter workweek, we feel more focused during working hours. We know we have less time to get everything done, so we tend to be more efficient and productive. This means that we can get more/the same done in four days than we used to in five, which is a great feeling & accomplishment. We've learned how to prioritise the hard way.

The Eisenhower Matrix is crucial which I’ve mentioned in my previous article

I am personally more strict with my meetings and plan my tasks better. Focusing on the bigger picture, what is not aligned with my current quarter KPIs, I delegate or drop to a later stage.

How to be more productive? First and foremost, be very strict with your time & calendar! My top tips for you before accepting any meeting: Make sure the invite has ALL four A's: 

Aim, Agenda, Attendees, Action Steps

  • What is the purpose of the meeting?
  • What is my role, and what will I contribute?
  • What is the agenda?
  • Is there another way (other than a meeting) to achieve the purpose and agenda? - Can this meeting be an email?
  • Is this meeting the best and most effective use of my time?
  • Is this meeting aligned with my goals & priorities?

Work-life Balance: Life outside of work

Before we switched to a four-day workweek, work was my entire life. I woke up with work and went to bed with work. The first and last thing I did each day was check my phone, which was a horrible habit. I felt like I only worked and slept, even eating at my desk. Eventually, I made myself pretty sick and had to be hospitalised. It was then that I realized I needed to rethink my life. Was it really worth it? It may sound harsh, but we are all replaceable at work. Do you think your family could ever replace you? Take care of yourself!

Now, we have a life outside of work that we are passionate about. We can both pursue our hobbies and interests, read those books, and take those long bike rides through the beautiful Dutch landscapes. We can spend time with loved ones and enjoy our free time without feeling guilty. 

I’ve also created a “safe place” for myself where I can focus on myself and enjoy the fresh air and nature around me. Yes, I am sometimes disturbed by cute meows, but that’s the best thing that can happen to me.

Now, we can work on our personal projects which makes us super happy and satisfied, and give us energy which is also visible at work. Because I have more time and mental space to pursue my personal interests and projects, I feel more fulfilled and energised. We can also develop our skills by studying for exams that interest us, which helps us grow in our professional life. My husband and I both completed three big exams of our dreams in the past year. This has had a positive impact on our work, as we are more motivated and engaged.

Improved mental & physical state

Because I have more time to relax and recharge, I feel less stressed and anxious than I used to. This has had a positive impact on my mental health, which is so important in today's fast-paced world.

Having Friday off allows us to schedule appointments easier and take care of our health. I can see specialists during the week without having to compromise working hours which helped me to improve my health. Have I mentioned the concept of "Friday - My Day," where I spend the day going from the hairdresser to the nail salon and then finish off with shopping and meeting my husband at our favourite restaurant? The benefits of this freedom are self-explanatory, aren't they? While this routine can also be done on the weekends, those days are typically reserved for spending time with friends, family and travel!

Convenient travels

Thanks to long weekends, we are able to travel more and visit friends and family throughout Europe. Having a three-day weekend every week means that we have more time to travel and visit loved ones. It's also a great way to schedule long weekend trips if you're a travel enthusiast. With a three-day weekend, we can enjoy events, places, and trips during a weekday, which has been a fantastic way to experience new things without feeling overwhelmed by crowds.

Better social life

Relocating to a foreign country without friends and family can present significant challenges. Consider the added difficulty of experiencing a global pandemic just four months after settling in. Personally, my initial two years in The Netherlands were socially difficult. However, with more available leisure time, we have been able to engage more in social activities, such as attending events, dinners and meeting new people. Previously, our weekends were primarily consumed by house chores, grocery shopping, and meal preparation, leaving little energy for anything else.

Although I am aware that the implementation of a four-day workweek may not be possible in every company or industry, I highly encourage employers to consider adopting this mindset. Furthermore, I would also encourage employees to be proactive in requesting such arrangements, as it can lead to a more productive and fulfilling work environment for all.

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