The dark web is a part of the internet where illegal activity occurs. Just to clarify, this is not the deep web which is where you can find whistleblowers, secure communication, and privacy. The dark web is where the cyber criminals and nation state hacking groups communicate and share files as well as sell illegal goods.
The dark web is decentralized network that is not controlled by any single person or organization. Because of this, it is difficult to shut down the entire dark web.

Who Runs The Dark Web?
The dark web is a part of the internet that is not indexed by search engines and can only be accessed by using specialized software such as Tor (The Onion Router).
The anonymity provided by the dark web makes it difficult to determine who runs it, but it is primarily used by individuals and groups for illegal activities such as drug trafficking, hacking, and money laundering.
As for the technical aspect, the dark web is composed of a network of volunteer-run servers that make up the Tor network, these servers are operated by individuals and organizations from around the world.
These servers are responsible for routing traffic through the network and providing the anonymity that makes the dark web possible.
Law enforcement agencies and governments have attempted to shut down specific parts of the dark web by targeting and shutting down individual websites and servers that are associated with illegal activities.
However, as the dark web is decentralized and highly resilient, new websites and servers can quickly be set up to replace those that are shut down.
Additionally, the anonymity provided by the dark web makes it difficult for law enforcement to track and identify the individuals and groups that operate on the dark web.
This makes it challenging to fully shut down the dark web and its illegal activities.
Is It Safe To Go On The Dark Web?
The dark web, also known as the “darknet,” can be a dangerous place to navigate. Because it is not indexed by search engines, it is difficult to know what you will find when you access the dark web.
Many websites on the dark web are associated with illegal activities such as drug trafficking, money laundering, and hacking. Additionally, because the dark web is often used to buy and sell illegal goods and services, it is a prime target for scams and fraud. It can be difficult to know who you are dealing with on the dark web, and there is a high risk of being scammed or defrauded.
The anonymity provided by the dark web also makes it a popular place for hackers and cybercriminals to operate. They can use the dark web to buy and sell stolen personal information, malware, and other malicious tools and services.
It’s also important to note that accessing the dark web may be illegal in some jurisdictions, and visiting certain websites on the dark web may be considered a criminal offense.
That being said, there is also a “deep web that offers a whistleblower platform, secure communication, and privacy.
The deep web has also been known to provide a safe space for marginalized communities, such as those in countries with authoritarian regimes, to communicate and share information without fear of reprisal.
Please understand that it is extremely dangerous for someone who is not tech-savvy to visit these dark corners of the internet. Here are some potential risks of visiting the dark web without technical experience and caution:
Malware: Many sites on the dark web are breeding grounds for malware, which can be used to infect your computer, steal personal information, or even take control of your system. Visiting these sites increases the risk of inadvertently downloading harmful software.
Illegal Activities: The dark web is often associated with illegal activities, such as drug trafficking, illegal firearms sales, and the distribution of illegal pornography. Participating in, or even accidentally stumbling upon, these activities can potentially get you into legal trouble.
Scams: Scams are very prevalent on the dark web. For example, you might think you're buying something innocuous, but you could end up being defrauded or even implicated in illegal activity.
Privacy Breaches: While the dark web is known for its enhanced privacy, it's not foolproof. If you're not careful, you can still leave traces of your activities, which could be traced back to you. Additionally, some entities on the dark web may be specifically trying to uncover and exploit the identities of their visitors.
Data Leakage: There are many sites on the dark web that sell personal information, such as credit card numbers, social security numbers, and other personal data. If you use the same credentials on the dark web as you do elsewhere, you could end up having your information stolen and sold.
Psychological Impact: Some content on the dark web is quite disturbing and could have a psychological impact. This includes violent content, animal abuse, and other offensive material that you wouldn't typically encounter on the surface web.
Connection to Criminal Networks: By participating in the dark web, even as a passive observer, you are indirectly supporting criminal networks that profit from the sale of illegal goods and services. This can have ethical implications, as these networks often exploit vulnerable individuals and contribute to global social problems.
To mitigate some of these risks, many users of the dark web employ robust security measures such as the Tor browser (which helps to anonymize web traffic), VPNs, and various other strategies to help secure their identities and data. However, none of these precautions can completely eliminate the risks associated with the dark web. It's also important to understand that much of what can be found on the dark web can be found on the surface web as well, often with fewer associated risks.
In summary, the dark/deep web can be a dangerous place to navigate, and it is not recommended to access it unless you have a specific and legitimate need to do so.
If you must access the dark web, it is important to use a virtual private network (VPN) and be cautious about the websites you visit and the information you share.