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Alex Doroshenko

Principal Software Developer @ Sitecore
Senior Full Stack (.NET / JavaScript / Kubernetes) Tech Leader with 15 years of experience
Canada 5.0 (2 reviews) Active last month Usually responds in a few hours


$300 / month

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I helped hundreds of colleagues to become more efficient programmers. Coding, data structures and algorithms, debugging techniques, infrastructure design and much more.

Whether you build your own startup and need occasional advise or want to improve your job performance to get a promotion - I can help you achieve these goals.

My open-source projects: https://github.com/adoprog

My YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrPr0Bx9FMYVabjqRLtUhWA

My technical blog: https://sitecoresnippets.blogspot.com, https://devopssnippets.blogspot.com

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What mentees say



5 out of 5 stars

Standard Plan · 
1 month

Alex has exceptional skills and experience that have truly changed my approach to daily tasks. His knowledge and expertise in the field of development and Sitecore are evident in every interaction. He's great at explaining complicated stuff and giving me useful solutions that have made me better at what I do. I could ask him any question, no matter how small or hard, and he'd help me out. His skills, experience, and how much he cares about helping me have made a big difference in how I'm getting better at development. I highly recommend him as a mentor!

Paula wrote 1 more review for the same mentorship


5 out of 5 stars

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