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Alex Turnbull

Proven track record of helping UX designers advance their careers
United Kingdom 5.0 (7 reviews) Active last month Usually responds in half a day


$350 / month

Best suited for Mid to Senior-level UX designers who want to tackle more complex problems and goals.

3 calls per month (60min/call)

Unlimited Q&A via chat

Expect responses in 24 hours or less

Hands-on support

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Hi, I'm Alex 👋 I've been a User Experience (UX) leader for globally recognised businesses for nearly 20 years. I've got a reputation for straightforward and practical advice that helps people level up their skills, and helps businesses smash their goals.

As a personal UX mentor, I can help you:

• Successfully transition into a career in User Experience
• Craft a design portfolio that sets you apart from the crowd
• Prepare you for an unforgettable interview
• Develop your UX skills in your current role and help you get promoted
• Negotiate effectively for better pay

And as a mentor for your business, I can help you discover:

• Where your app or website's UX is failing your customers
• How to use UX design to increase sales and conversions
• Why your customers aren't coming back to your site
• When to do UX research
• How to develop an effective User Experience Strategy

In every session I will endeavour to fully understand your issues, and following each session I will follow up with a written action plan detailing what steps to take next and why.

Remember there's a no-commitment 7-day trial so you've nothing to lose.

Let's chat 🙂

Inquiries: [email protected]
More about me: https://www.alexturnbull.com

Open to inquiries

You can message Alex to ask questions before booking their services

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What mentees say



5 out of 5 stars

I have a background in UI Design and I'm interested in extending my knowledge of the entire UX process, from research to product launch. I was struggling to decide which step to take next. Talking through the options with Alex helped me make a decision and get started on a project idea I've had for a long time.



5 out of 5 stars

Standard Plan · 
2 months

Alex is helping us understand invaluable insights such as - user behavior, competitive analysis, and astute color and site structure recommendations. Every time we meet we learn something new which is exactly what we expected from this mentorship! We're still working with him and we highly recommend him for clarity and actionable advice, especially for new sites!

Omri wrote 2 more reviews for the same mentorship


5 out of 5 stars



5 out of 5 stars



5 out of 5 stars

Standard Plan · 
2 months

Alex was incredibly helpful in helping me not only achieve my goals, but understand where my strengths and weaknesses were, so I could focus on that!

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