
$240 / month

Best suited for career pivot, needing guidance in org navigation or strategic roadmapping

2 calls per month (60min/call)

Unlimited Q&A via chat

Expect responses in 24 hours or less

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Hello! My peers would consider me a visionary servant leader. I have a 15+ year track record in digital product management, ecommerce merchandising, innovative product go-to-market strategies, and team leadership. I'm experienced in building portfolios for retailers and CPG companies, but honestly, my heart is rooted in technology. I'm proficient at leading teams of various sizes in high-growth scenarios and turn-around efforts. Adept communicator, good at bridging complex technical and business concepts while fostering alignment across the org. Okay, enough buzz words...I look forward to learning your story!

A good mentee for me would be one who is looking to discuss networking, general ecommerce, product management, or merchandising strategy, organizational navigation and more!

Open to inquiries

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