Quick Responder

Lloyd Sharman

Senior product manager @ Apple
30 incredible years designing and developing products, processes, teams and everything in between
United States of America 5.0 (1 review) Active yesterday Usually responds in half a day


$180 / month

Optimised for mentees who benefit from ongoing guidance, direction, support and expert discussion

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I’m a product design and development engineering manager with 30 years experience. I've worked in automotive product design for 25 years - including fifteen years as a Research and Development management. Five years in consumer product development. 20 years designing and developing cameras - fifteen in automotive applications and five (most recent) in mobile phone applications.
Able to guide mentees with: Optical Product Design, New Technology Research and Development, Mechanical Product Design and Adhesives, New Process Development, DOE's, Product Verification and Validation, Statistical Analysis, Six Sigma, Management, Resourcing, Roadmap Development, Teams and Team HR and effective communication and presentations.
I'm approachable and down to earth and genuinely excited to guide you on the small things as well as bigger challenges. Reach out and let's get things figured out.

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