
$270 / month

Ideal for career growth. Debug and resolve your challenges together, with a clear goal plan!

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Hi there! 👋 I'm a Software Engineering Manager at Meta / Facebook (ex-Google | ex- Palantir) with over 12 years of experience both as a Tech Lead and Engineering Manager at big tech companies as well as startups. For me, seeing others succeed and grow is the ultimate satisfaction. I have always believed that when people are happy in their day to days, success and growth follows it along. With this in mind, I've made it my mission to help others around me stay happy and achieve their goals.

My Expertise:
- Career Growth: Feeling stuck? I'll help you define your goals, create a roadmap, and break down barriers to reach your full potential. I've witnessed firsthand the challenges and triumphs of navigating a tech career, and I can offer valuable insights from my experience across both large companies and startups.
- Interview Preparation: With over 200 interviews under my belt, I'll demystify the process, share insider tips, and boost your confidence. My extensive interview experience, including over 100 interviews and job offers, gives me invaluable knowledge to share.

What You'll Get:
- Clarity & Structure: We'll work together to create a clear plan, track your progress, and keep you on track.
- Accountability & Support: I'm dedicated to your success, and I'll provide guidance, feedback, and encouragement every step of the way.

Let's work together to take your career to the next level.

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What mentees say

Luis Felipe

Luis Felipe

5 out of 5 stars

Lite Plan · 
5 months

At the 6-month milestone of my software engineering mentorship with Orcun, I'm excited to share my experiences. Orcun's lightning-fast responses to chat queries have been a game-changer. The exercises provided have been incredibly valuable, and every session has added significant depth to my skill set. Thanks to Orcun's guidance, I've acquired a robust set of problem-solving tools, simplifying even the most complex issues. Orcun's explanations and problem-solving methods have shattered my previous, overly complicated approach. I've witnessed substantial growth in my skills, preparing me for my ultimate goal of entering a leading tech company. Notably, my progress, though at a medium level, has attracted the interest of several recruiters. I'm eager to continue on this journey towards "big tech" under Orcun's mentorship. His ability to decode even the most "Martian" explanations has made this journey incredibly comfortable and fruitful. As I approach the 6-month mark, I'm excited about the future growth and accomplishments that Orcun's mentorship will undoubtedly bring. Thank you, Orcun, for your exceptional guidance!

Luis Felipe wrote 2 more reviews for the same mentorship
Luis Felipe

Luis Felipe

5 out of 5 stars

Let's see the first thing to highlight is: Your response to the questions in the chat is extremely fast, then the exercises have been very useful, I must say that all the sessions have added value, let's say that I already have a set of tools to be able to solve problems more quickly. Seeing how you gave me the explanation of the problem and how you solved it, broke several ways of how I thought about the resolution (I tried to complicate things a lot, but really keeping things simple is better) I have to say that I have been able to grow a lot, I feel that day by day I am growing in preparation and I hope to reach the goal which is to enter a large technology company, which we will undoubtedly achieve, however my progress that I have had, at a medium level, makes several recruiters are interested in my profile. In the same way, what I hope is to reach big tech. So I am very comfortable with your teaching. Also because you have had to deal with somewhat Martian explanations from my side

Luis Felipe

Luis Felipe

5 out of 5 stars

Working with Orcun, he's really good on points, giving a good review of what we need to improve and impulse my career. He answer extremely fast. I am very happy with Orcun.



5 out of 5 stars

Lite Plan · 
8 months

I came to Orcun with a short term goal of getting promoted to Senior Software Developer & within a span of few months he gave me some useful advice that helped me get there. Orcun is very experienced, knowledgeable & knows what he's talking about.



5 out of 5 stars

Session: Mock Interview

Orcun is an exceptionally helpful and skilled mentor, demonstrating thoughtfulness in his approach. He is notably proactive in identifying key topics for discussion, which greatly enhances the mentoring experience. I highly recommend him!

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