$100 / month
4 calls per month (60min/call)
Unlimited Q&A via chat
Expect responses in 24 hours or less
Hands-on support
No credit card required
One-off sessions with Sofia
One-off sessions are a great option if you’re looking for specific advice on a certain topic.
Whatever doesn't fit the mold: Get 30 minutes with a mentor to discuss your needs. Be it help with some code, discussing through an issue with your business, help for something at work or an issue with a project.
Not sure about your newest design? Not sure if your code is as good as it can be? Portfolio site looking a bit, meh? In this session, a mentor will sit down with you, and give you some inputs to make your work better, be …
Looking to learn a new skill? The vast amount of resources on any topic on the internet can feel overwhelming at times. A mentor can give you an overview of worthwhile content, and work with you to create a study plan. For this session, it …
This session involves you and your mentor working collaboratively to develop coding skills, troubleshoot coding issues, or complete coding projects. In this session, a career coach with expertise in coding and software development will pair with you to work on a coding exercise or project. …
Whatever doesn't fit the mold: Get a full hour with a mentor to discuss your needs. Be it help with coding something, deciding on a strategy for your business, pushing your career forward or help with a project. If you don't know whether what you …
Hi, I’m Sofía! I’m a Senior Data Analyst and passionate Data Educator with over 5 years of experience in the data field. Throughout my career, I’ve had the opportunity to work with leading companies like Nestlé Nespresso, MediaMarkt, and Michael Page, where I focused on marketing and e-commerce analytics.
In recent years, I’ve transitioned into teaching, and I now work as a teacher in a bootcamp, fully dedicated to mentoring aspiring Data Analysts. My goal is to use my industry experience to help students bridge the gap between completing a Data Analytics course and landing their first professional job. It’s incredibly rewarding to guide them through this exciting, yet challenging, phase of their careers!
Sofía Valcárcel, Senior Data Analyst en Media Markt Sonia Almela, fundadora y CEO de Me and Me Cosmetics Modera: Tomás …
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