Quick Responder

Soyoung Cho

UX Designer @ Google
ex-Amazon, 5+ years of experience in UX
United States of America Active yesterday Usually responds in half a day


$220 / month

20 mins intro call + 2 sessions. Meant for those who are looking for a hands-on and 1-on-1 support.

2 calls per month (50min/call)

Unlimited Q&A via chat

Expect responses in 2 days

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Hello 👋

I'm Soyoung, a UX Designer at Google, formerly a UX Designer at Amazon with 5+ years of experience supporting products across multiple industries in tech.

I began my career as a Visual Designer and worked with big tech companies such as Google, Samsung, Facebook, and Intel, before ultimately pursuing my dream of becoming a UX designer.

Having switched careers myself, I understand the challenges of breaking into the design industry. So let me help you!

As your mentor, here are a few things that I can help you with:
• Interview prep - resume, design challenges, behavioral/technical Qs, mock interviews
• Portfolio prep - portfolio review, building a strong portfolio
• How to break into big tech companies
• Career change into UX
• Providing guidance as you onboard into a new role or job search

Let's connect and make your UX career aspirations a reality.

Open to inquiries

You can message Soyoung to ask questions before booking their services

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