
$80 / month

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Hi, I'm Staci! 🌷 I'm a Product Designer at Microsoft, based in California.

As someone who has shifted from university ➡️ startups ➡️ Big Tech, I have a breadth of experiences I'd love to share with you. Most recently, my work has been mostly with Microsoft, but I've worked with many individuals & teams from Figma, Sony, Ford Motors, Dexcom, just to name a few.

As a former Director of Industry Relations for UC San Diego's largest pre-professional design organization (Design Co) and Instructional Assistant for a renowned UX professor, I found my passion for mentoring designers or designers-to-be. I can't wait to work together with you and help guide you in the right direction.

I'll tailor to what you need, but in most cases, here's what I can help you with:
• Portfolio/website reviews
• How to increase your chances for a return offer
• New grad / Early-in-career advice
• Referrals
• Career advice for interns
• Interviewing tips for internships
• App critiques
• Whiteboarding challenges

Open to inquiries

You can message Staci to ask questions before booking their services

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