Yahya Wahbeh

Senior Product Manager @ MedShr
7+ years of experience in PM, UX, Research, and Product Analysis.
United Kingdom Active last month


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Yahya here. My experience has allowed me to know how to build products, and know how to build the right products. Designed and built products at Microsoft, Tesla, BlackBerry, Information is Beautiful. Unibuddy and MedShr. Attending the University of Waterloo, and going through 7 different jobs before graduating, meant that I gained a lot of experience with CV / resume enhancements and interviewing. Through-out my career, I've seen more than 500 CV / resumes and have hired 10+ individuals across 3 continents. Currently based in London but have also worked in California and Canada.

Proudest accomplishment is probably at Unibuddy: Was 14th company hire. Built product team by creating hiring plan and processes for an international team (UK & India). Grew ARR by 65,000% and number of university clients from 3 to 472 through new product offerings. Designed the end-to-end product, for first partnership.

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