Quick Responder

Kuai Yu

Director of Engineering
Software engineering experience at all levels from L3 to L7 across Google, Two Sigma, Citadel
United States of America 5.0 (2 reviews) Active this week Usually responds in a few hours

Study Plan

Looking to learn a new skill? The vast amount of resources on any topic on the internet can feel overwhelming at times. A mentor can give you an overview of worthwhile content, and work with you to create a study plan. For this session, it …

$119 / 45 min

Interview Preparation

Some big interviews coming up? In this 1-hour session, a mentor with hiring experience will act as a technical interviewer and ask you some standard hiring questions that you might hear in one of your future interview too, and will evaluate your replies. As a …

$149 / 60 min

Resume Feedback

Having a good resume on hand when going on the job hunt is crucial, and will make your search a lot easier. Even if you're not looking for a new position right now, having an up-to-date CV that sells your experience to future potential employers …

$89 / 30 min

Career Strategy

Sometimes, a strategy is needed to accomplish a future career change, or simply to get further in your current position. Should you go back to school? Look for a new job? Learn a new set of skills by yourself? Become a freelancer? One of our …

$119 / 45 min