Quick Responder

Tyler Green

Senior Software Engineer @ Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Experienced engineer with a deep understanding of Python & Rust
United States of America Active this week Usually responds in a few hours

Pair Programming

This session involves you and your mentor working collaboratively to develop coding skills, troubleshoot coding issues, or complete coding projects. In this session, a career coach with expertise in coding and software development will pair with you to work on a coding exercise or project. …

$149 / 60 min

Work Review

Not sure about your newest design? Not sure if your code is as good as it can be? Portfolio site looking a bit, meh? In this session, a mentor will sit down with you, and give you some inputs to make your work better, be …

$119 / 45 min

Introductory Call

If you're looking for a mentor, and you're just not sure about how this all works – this one is for you. In a casual, informal introductory call, a mentor will introduce themselves, show you around the platform, explain how our mentorships work, and explain …

$39 / 20 min