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10 Concepts all Data Professionals will need some day and some references

Understand how data brings value to a business and master these concepts to be able to solve nearly all data problems
Cassio Bolba

Expert Data Engineer, HSE

What is Data for Companies?

Data is an essential aspect of modern business. Companies today generate and collect large amounts of data on various aspects of their operations, customers, and market trends. However, it is not just the collection of data that is important; it is also how that data is analyzed and utilized to make informed decisions that can positively impact a company's bottom line.

One of the key benefits of data for companies is its ability to help them understand their customers. By analyzing customer data, companies can gain insights into their preferences, behavior, and needs. This information can then be used to tailor products or services to meet those needs and expectations, ultimately resulting in higher customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Data can also help companies improve their operational efficiency. By analyzing data on their operations and processes, companies can identify areas that need improvement and optimize those processes to reduce costs and increase efficiency. For example, data can help identify areas where resources are being wasted or bottlenecks are occurring, enabling companies to make targeted improvements that can improve their bottom line.

Another important use of data is identifying market trends. By analyzing data on consumer behavior and market trends, companies can gain insights into the changing demands of their customers and adapt their products or services to meet those changing demands. This can help companies stay ahead of the competition and ensure their continued success in the marketplace.

Data can also help companies make informed decisions. Rather than relying on assumptions or hunches, companies can use data to make decisions based on facts and insights. This can help them avoid costly mistakes and make better decisions that can positively impact their business.

Finally, data can help companies enhance their data security measures. With the rise of cyber threats and data breaches, it is more important than ever for companies to protect their data. By analyzing data on their security measures and identifying areas of weakness, companies can take steps to enhance their security and protect themselves from potential threats.

What Data Professionals need to know to help with it:

This text talks about a lot of important concepts in the field of Data Engineering. It ranges from data modeling, which is super important to creating an efficient database, to data security, which helps protect data from threats and breaches. It also has cool topics like Data Warehouse, Data Lake, CDC, ETL, Big Data processing, real-time data, data architecture and Cloud Computing. This text gives an overview of these concepts and processes, which can be very useful for anyone studying or working with data management.

Here are the top 10 concepts every data engineer should know:
  • Data Modeling: Data modeling is an essential process for creating an efficient database management system. It involves identifying entities, relationships, and attributes to create a schema that can be used to store and manage data. 
  • Data Warehouse: A data warehouse is a centralized repository of data that is used to support business decision making. It is designed to integrate data from multiple sources, transform the data into a suitable format, and store it optimally for querying and analysis.
  • Data Lake: A data lake is a repository of raw, unprocessed data stored in its native format. It is a scalable and flexible solution for storing large-scale data, allowing users to gain valuable insights from a wide variety of data sources.
  • CDC (Change Data Capture): CDC is a technique used to capture changes made to a database in real time. It allows users to capture data as it is updated in a source system, ensuring that changes are immediately reflected in other systems that rely on that data.
  • ETL (Extract, Transform, Load): ETL is the process of extracting data from various sources, transforming the data into a suitable format, and loading the data into a final destination. It is a fundamental process to ensure data quality and information integrity.
  • Big Data Processing: Big Data processing involves using tools and technologies to deal with large data sets. Techniques include Hadoop, Spark, MapReduce, and others, and are used to handle massive volumes of real-time data.
  • Real-Time Data: Real-time data is data that is processed immediately after capture. They allow users to gain real-time insights, making it possible to quickly respond to real-time events and make more informed decisions.
  • Data Architecture: Data architecture is the process of designing and implementing scalable and flexible data management systems. This includes selecting appropriate tools and technologies, defining data standards, identifying data sources, and creating a consistent data model.
  •  Cloud Computing: Cloud Computing is a computing model that allows access to on-demand computing resources, such as storage, processing, and applications, over the internet. It allows companies to reduce infrastructure costs, improve flexibility and scalability, and increase the efficiency of data management processes.
  • Data Security: Data security is a set of practices and technologies used to protect data from threats and breaches. This includes data encryption, user authentication, data auditing and other techniques.
If you want to go deeper, here are some articles on the topics above:
Data modeling: https://www.devmedia.com.br/modelagem-de-dados-conceitos-fundamentais/25113
Data Warehouse: https://www.ibm.com/br-pt/analytics/data-warehouse
Data Lake: https://aws.amazon.com/pt/data-lakes-and-analytics/what-is-a-data-lake/
CDC (Change Data Capture): https://www.oracle.com/br/database/what-is-change-data-capture/
ETL (Extract, Transform, Load): https://www.talend.com/resources/what-is-etl-extract-transform-load/
Big Data Processing: https://www.ibm.com/br-pt/analytics/hadoop/big-data-analytics
Real Time Data: https://www.ibm.com/br-pt/analytics/real-time-analytics
Data Architecture: https://www.dataversity.net/data-architecture-101-what-it-is-why-it-matters/
Cloud Computing: https://aws.amazon.com/pt/what-is-cloud-computing/
Data Security: https://www.ibm.com/br-pt/analytics/what-is-data-security

In conclusion, the field of data engineering encompasses various concepts and processes that are essential for managing data efficiently and effectively. This text provides an overview of ten important concepts that every data engineer should be familiar with, ranging from data modeling to data security. These concepts include tools and techniques such as data warehouse, data lake, CDC, ETL, big data processing, real-time data, data architecture, cloud computing, and data security. By understanding and implementing these concepts, data engineers can ensure that data is captured, stored, and utilized in a way that is secure, scalable, and optimized for analysis and decision-making.

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