1 - Specialise (or say that you do)
Without doubt one of the biggest things I’ve seen the more successful businesses do is to specialise. Here’s the thing though, to start being a specialist you simply need to tell people that’s what you do. Yes, you will need some social proof and case studies, but it’s not as big a hurdle as you might think. So, for example, let’s say you are a freelance graphic designer that works with all kinds of clients, but you really enjoy creating logos for doctor’s surgeries. Instead of having your website state that you are a local graphic designer, rephrase that and reframe your offering as a specialist logo designer, who works with a professional logo maker tool, for the medical sector. Clients will pay more and seek out this expertise, realising you have helped others just like them. Add to this, you don’t need to exclude other work that comes in, but over time you will get more and more of the work you enjoy, and people will pay you more for the privilege. Keeping with the medical analogy, who do you think gets paid more, your local General Practitioner or a specialist brain surgeon? And who would you prefer to undertake an operation on your brain?