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How To Ace Your Next React Technical Interview - An Overview

Technical interviews can be tricky, even the pros fail if they're not prepared. Interviewing is a skill that gets better with practice. Here I will talk about the general overview of how to clear tech interview rounds.
Manu Arora

Founder, Algochurn | TailwindMasterKit | Aceternity

Why practice is the key to acing your next React technical interview

Practicing for your React technical interview is essential if you want to nail the questions.

By revising and practicing regularly, you'll be able to answer any question that comes your way in a confident and articulate manner.

The most common questions asked during React technical interviews are focused on basic topics such as coding style, APIs, and debugging techniques.

Be sure to have everything ready before your next React technical interview so that you can breeze through the questions with ease!

Some of the most commonly asked React questions are:
- Component lifecycle methods.
- Hooks like useState, `useContext`, `useRef`, and `useReducer`.
- What is Virtual DOM and how does it work.
- How to minimize rerenders of a form element in React.

Basics of React: What you need to know before your interview

Before your React interview, it's important to brush up on the basics of the framework. In particular, make sure you understand how state works and how to use props and stateful components.

Review the most popular questions that are asked in React interviews, and practice answering them out loud. Make sure you revise properly - understand the concepts inside and out so that you can explain them clearly during the interview. Stay calm and composed during the interview - it'll show that you're confident in your skills.

If you're looking to land a job in the React ecosystem, nailing your technical interview is key. But with the framework changing so frequently, it can be tough to stay up-to-date on all the latest changes and technologies. Having an overview of some of the basics of React that you need to know before your next interview will definitely be a plus. 

Cover topics like the virtual DOM, JSX, and Component life cycle so that you can walk into your interview confidently knowing you have a strong foundation in React fundamentals.

Basics of JavaScript: Making sure you're prepared for commonly asked questions

Review the basics of JavaScript so you're well-prepared for your next React technical interview. Concepts like variables, data types, functions, and objects are important to know for any JavaScript interview.

Practice answering commonly asked questions out loud so you can get comfortable with talking about your code. This will help you avoid any embarrassing mistakes and come across as confident in front of a potential employer.

Stay calm and composed during the interview - nerves can make it difficult to think clearly and remember what you know! If you're feeling anxious before or during an interview, try focusing on deep breathing exercises or visualization techniques to help ground yourself.

Remember that practice is key - the more you prepare, the better chance you have of impressing your interviewer and landing the job!

Some of the most commonly asked javascript questions are:

- What is the event loop.

- What are ES6 concepts and features of Javascript (Array destructuring, let, and const)

- Array methods like map, filter and reduce.

- Prototypical inheritance and what are its benefits.

- How to write Object Oriented Code style with Javascript.

- Benefits of TypeScript over JavaScript. How to make the most out of strongly typed coding style.

Commonly Asked Questions: What to expect and how to answer them

Practice is key to success in any interview, but especially a technical React interview. Be sure to brush up on the most popular questions and revise your answers thoroughly.

Stay calm and composed during the interview process – this will help you think more clearly and give better answers to tough questions.

Remember that there is no one perfect way to answer a question – just be honest, thoughtful, and prepared as best as you can be.

Be ready to talk about your experience with React (or whatever technology you're being interviewed for) in detail – know your stuff!

Have some questions of your own prepared to ask at the end of the interview – this shows that you're interested and engaged in the role

Smiling Throughout the Interview: The importance of positive body language

Maintaining positive body language is key when interviewing for a React position. It can make the difference between getting the job and not, so it's important to be prepared for difficult questions. Here are some tips on how to stay calm and composed under pressure.

Preparation is key when it comes to answering tough questions during an interview. By practicing popular questions in advance, you'll be able to answer them confidently and put your best foot forward.

Being calm and collected will help you shine through during the interview process. When you project confidence, employers will see that you're a strong candidate who can handle difficult challenges.

Remember to smile! It may seem like a small thing, but it can go a long way in making an impression on your interviewer. By displaying positive body language throughout the interview process, you'll leave with a good feeling - one that might lead to a job offer!

Stay Calm and Ask Questions: How to keep your cool under pressure

When you're feeling anxious or under pressure, it's important to take a step back and breathe. Remember that the interviewer is just trying to get to know you and your skills, so stay calm and composed. Ask questions! This shows that you're engaged and interested in the position. Practice makes perfect, so be sure to prepare for your interview by going over common React questions. Finally, don't forget to revise properly before the big day - this will help boost your confidence and ensure you ace the interview!


Practice is key to success in any interview, but especially a technical interview. Be sure to practice the most popular questions first so that you can get comfortable with them.

Always revise properly before an interview so that you are confident in your answers.

Stay calm and composed during the interview process - it will help you think more clearly and give better answers.

Algochurn is something that I've built and can help you accelerate your technical interview preparation journey.

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