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Staying calm when everything around you is going to sh*t!

How to stay positive during the difficult times of running a business and turn it into a learning experience.
Ben Sheppard

CEO, Silta Finance


As a seasoned entrepreneur who has established multiple businesses and assumed c- suite leadership roles, I have come to the realization that encountering business challenges is a certainty. Regardless of the extent of preparedness, unpredictable events and situations can emerge, pushing your skills as a leader to the limit. My career has been marked by a multitude of challenges, such as mergers and acquisitions, political turbulence, market downturns, and regulatory alterations. In many instances, significant business challenges demand cost-cutting, which frequently leads to workforce reductions. No capable leader relishes the thought of terminating employees, particularly if, like me, you champion a people-first approach to leadership. However, there are times when difficult decisions are inevitable, and your actions during these moments are crucial.

My approach involves confronting the issue directly, maintaining transparency, and being honest and fair. Strive to make the transition as smooth as possible. It is imperative to consult with a labor attorney before implementing changes to protect your company and provide answers to any questions the departing employee might have. Comprehensive preparation will considerably streamline the process. Determine whether the employee should be placed on gardening leave or work until their final day of employment. This decision should be made in collaboration with your leadership team on a case-by-case basis.


One particularly significant challenge I encountered involved a major restructuring following the acquisition of my former employer, atop 5 global infrastructure advisory firm. My mandate shifted from expanding the Southeast Asia Regional business to closing operations in four countries. This adjustment served as a valuable lesson in preparing for unforeseen changes and rapidly adapting to evolving circumstances. I honed my skills in navigating difficult times, making tough decisions, and fulfilling my obligations to my team and stakeholders.

Political instability

Another major challenge arose from political instability while managing my consulting firm, which primarily operated in the Philippines and Malaysia. The firm specialized in transaction advisory services for infrastructure and successfully structured deals for clients with projects valued between 200 to 800 million USD. Following a year of rapid growth, a complete shift in government policy regarding private investment in heavy infrastructure severely impacted the business. This trying moment taught me how to take appropriate action, close certain operations, and successfully pivot the company. Staying ahead of the curve and being aware of the political landscape is essential for businesses to prosper in a constantly changing environment.

Market downturn

The global market downturn due to the pandemic, recession, and banking crises presented additional significant challenges. During this period, I learned about various strategies to reduce costs and reorient companies, enabling me to survive and thrive amidst these difficulties. I also gained invaluable knowledge regarding R&D grants and government loans. It’s really quite amazing how much support can be leveraged in certain jurisdictions. Sadly not everyone is aware of this when their business tanks.

Interestingly, I discovered that a firm can be most innovative during trying times. Particularly if you’re surrounded by a team of passionate, energized people that are aligned through a shared vision and incentive mechanism. This realization led to the development of a toolbox containing strategies and solutions to navigate adversity and emerge even stronger on the other side.

Regulatory changes

Sudden regulatory changes can have a profound impact on businesses, as exemplified by the advent of Web 3. This eve-changing, highly innovative market is a fantastic example of where regular strategizing is crucial. Recent experience in this industry has taught me how to create products that can endure harsh conditions and adapt to shifting regulations and policies, ensuring that my offerings remained relevant and valuable to customers. Additionally, I learned the importance of cultivating relationships with regulators and policymakers to anticipate changes and stay ahead of the curve.


To successfully navigate these challenges, implementing a strong strategy and seeking external perspectives is essential. Non-executive directors and strategic advisors can play a pivotal role in challenging the board to critically examine and reconsider the business. Making tough decisions in a timely manner is vital to fulfilling your responsibility to your team, shareholders, and the business's survival. Surrounding yourself with individuals possessing diverse perspectives can offer invaluable insights and solutions. Ultimately, everyone requires assistance at times, and seeking help can lead to a more robust and resilient business. I have several mentors, each of which specializes in different areas of business and come from different sectors. Depending on the business challenge I’m facing determines whose advice I may call upon at any given time.

Maintaining a positive attitude during difficult times is crucial for preserving a productive and motivated team. Each setback and challenge presents an opportunity for learning and growth. Adversity can often inspire creative solutions, and the experience gained can strengthen a business. It is crucial to communicate openly and transparently with your team and stakeholders to build trust and foster a sense of shared purpose. Furthermore, attending to your mental and physical well-being is essential for being an effective leader and maintaining a healthy work-life balance.


In conclusion, business challenges are an inevitable aspect of entrepreneurship, and leaders must be prepared to confront them head-on. By staying ahead of the curve, being aware of the political landscape, implementing a robust strategy, seeking external perspectives, and making difficult decisions in a timely manner, entrepreneurs can overcome challenges and build stronger, more resilient businesses. Whether it involves adapting to sudden regulatory changes or navigating through a global market downturn, every challenge offers valuable lessons to be learned.

In times of crisis, it is important to remember that even the most successful businesses encounter obstacles. The key to overcoming these challenges lies in embracing change, fostering a supportive and positive environment, and learning from each experience. As an entrepreneur, you are responsible for leading your team through both the highs and the lows, and by doing so with integrity, empathy, and resilience, you will create an enduring legacy that reflects not only your business's successes but also your character as a leader.

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