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Successful mentor matching guide & best practices

Some of history’s most notable leaders have had mentor matching that helped guide them to success. Steve Jobs mentored Mark Zuckerberg, Warren Buffet mentored Bill Gates, and Christian Dior mentored Yves Saint-Laurent.
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At MentorCruise, we are a mentorship platform with an immense pool of startup founders and specialists who are experts at helping early-stage companies reach their potential. Our business and entrepreneurship mentors have helped new business leaders overcome challenges and achieve successful outcomes.

But how does mentor matching work, and how do you get paired with a mentor that will change the course of your career? In this article, we will cover:

  • How mentors can help you succeed

  • Types of mentor matching options

  • Qualities to look for in a mentor to ensure successful results

  • How to use the mentor matching features on MentorCruise

What is mentor matching?

Mentor matching is the process of pairing an entrepreneur, new business founder, professional, or career changer with a role model who will be their consultant and advisor. Mentors are typically professionals at a later stage in their career who can provide support and guidance to junior colleagues and professionals who need advice and leadership as they navigate new business ventures and career stages.

Mentorship as an overall structure is proven to yield successful outcomes for both parties. In workplace settings, establishing a mentorship program for new hires and young professionals has greatly improved company outcomes. However, the crucial component in this success is matching the right mentors with the suitable mentees, and there are numerous ways to complete this matching process.

Types of Mentor Matching

  • Self-matching: In this format, mentees seek a mentor themselves and pick a candidate they believe will suit their professional needs and personal goals. Choosing one’s mentor can involve personal networking, using mentor matching software, a mentor matching app, or searching through a pool of candidates in a mentor matching engine like MentorCruise. It has been proven that when mentees pick their own mentor, they are likely to form long-lasting, successful relationships. This approach is ideal for entrepreneurs or founders leading their own careers.

  • Admin matching: Often, mentorship programs within corporations or companies will take an admin matching approach, where a program head will have complete control over the matching process. There are a few downsides to this approach because the mentee doesn’t necessarily have a say in who they are paired with, and therefore the match may not be a good fit. Plus, it takes up a lot of time and resources on behalf of the administrator who oversees making the matches.

  • Hybrid matching: In this model, an administrator will oversee the entire process and get feedback from the mentee about preferences, options, and potential matches to arrive at a mutually agreed-upon conclusion. This approach can be a successful one but is often time-consuming.

How the right mentor matching can change your career

The benefits of a solid mentor-mentee relationship are proven, and the impact can be dramatic. Research shows that mentees are promoted five times more often than individuals without mentors. Here is a how a strong mentor match can help you succeed with your business goals:

  • Overcome growing pains: Any new professional or business founder will encounter significant challenges along their journey. While these challenges are essential and ultimately strengthen an individual’s knowledge, adaptability, and resilience, some nuanced business issues cannot be overcome without expert input. Working with a mentor can provide that insight. As knowledgeable leaders themselves, mentors can help you overcome financial growth, team development, and challenging business decisions that you may not have enough experience to navigate alone.

  • Seasoned advice: Mentors have been there before. They are experienced in your field and have encountered and overcome the same challenges you are seeing. Their perspective and input on your situation will come from a place of wisdom and expertise, adding valuable insight to your business growth.

  • Expand your professional network: Working with a mentor will allow you to benefit from an extended network of professionals whom they are connected to. If they are not an expert on a particular situation you are currently encountering, they will seek input from their extended circle to offer you the best advice and wisdom.

Why the mentor matching process is important

There is so much to gain from a mentor relationship but to maximize your outcomes, you have to ensure that your mentor matching is with the right professional who can add value and expertise in the ways that you need it most. Before choosing a mentor, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What are my goals?

  • Where and how do I seek to grow?

  • What are my strengths and weaknesses?

  • What are my values and priorities for my business and professional future?

  • Where am I currently struggling, and what do I need to improve?

The mentor you choose must be someone who can provide guidance where you need it. Here’s an example, if your expertise lies in hiring and recruiting, picking a mentor who also specializes in that area might make you feel like you have important qualities in common. Ultimately, however, it would benefit you more to work with someone who has strengths that can help you elevate your weaknesses.

What to consider when choosing a mentor

Using a self-matching process through a mentor matching software or mentor matching engine means you must be clear with your intentions when searching for the right mentor. Make a list of the qualities you need in a mentor to develop a list of options of people who can effectively guide you through this stage in your career. Here are some categories you should assess about potential mentors on the mentor matching app:

  • Background: Does this individual know the industry you are in, and will they be able to provide specific and tailored input? While mentors do not have to have the same job as you, it is helpful if they are experts in your industry to provide the best possible input.

  • Career path: Have they shared a similar career path that you have had, or do they have a career path you seek to follow? This will help your mentor understand your perspective and give input about how to achieve your goals.

  • Shared interests and values: Will this mentor be able to provide you with guidance that aligns with your core mission? If you find a mentor specializing in community impact but you are seeking to focus on immense profit growth, you may not have a match that suits your ultimate values.

  • Complementary strengths: Does this mentor have a skill set that will complement your weaknesses? It is essential that a mentor can help you overcome the challenges you face, not just reinforce the areas that are already working well.

How to use MentorCruise for your matching

MentorCruise is a mentor matching software that allows mentees to search a range of professionals and apply to be a mentor with their top choice. Here’s how it works.

Step 1: Select your industry or goal

Our platform has a vast pool of professionals across tech, business, and design. You can search based on the position title, such as product manager or marketing expert, and skillsets like UX design or Python.


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Step 2: Browse from our list of options

Within each category, we have dozens of options, and you can read through each professional’s profile in that niche to get a sense of their background, experience, skillset, core skills, and what their mentorship package would include. Each mentor varies by price, availability, and frequency of calls, text, and email communication.

Step 3: Apply for a spot with your favorite choice

Once you reflect on the best fit in terms of skills, background, and availability, all you have to do on our mentor matching app is click “apply now.”

Step 4: Find out if you’re a match

If your application is a success, you will officially be matched with that mentor of your choice and begin your communication on the path towards your career goals. If not, you can simply restart the process by applying to another choice. There are endless options on MentorCruise, so if you get rejected by your top match, there are numerous other viable candidates to apply with.

Start your journey of professional growth

Maximize your professional potential and achieve the business outcomes that you dream of. Work with an experienced mentor who can guide you through your business challenges and provide expert input to support you on your journey. Use the mentor matching software at MentorCruise to find the right leader for your needs. With options for business leaders, founders, entrepreneurs, and professionals looking to change career paths, one of our vetted professionals will be able to help you bring your goals to life.

Get mentoring from a trained, experienced expert and be on your desired career track. Apply today

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