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Transformational Leaders Make The Best Mentors

This article explains: What a transformational leader is, why they are the best mentors, and offers real world examples so you can know what to look for
Brad Rogers

Sr. Manager Supply Chain Strategy, Pepsico

In today's post-COVID world, businesses across industries face new challenges and complexities, resulting in a growing demand for exceptional talent in leadership roles. However, recruiting the right candidates remains challenging. To navigate these complexities, aspiring professionals should seek mentorship from transformational leaders, who provide unparalleled guidance in various business settings.

What’s a Transformational Leader, and why are they the best mentors?

Transformational leadership prioritizes relationships with followers, offering mentorship through an approach rooted in inspiration, trust, motivation, and support for innovation. These qualities align seamlessly with the intricate needs of modern business environments. According to Bernard Bass, a renowned scholar on transformational leadership, these leaders exhibit four key elements:

Inspiration: Transformational leaders excel at creating a compelling vision that unites team members and aligns them with common goals.

Trust-Building: By fostering transparency, consistency, and ethical behavior, these leaders cultivate trust across all levels of an organization.

Motivation: Transformational leaders effectively motivate their teams, unlocking potential and enhancing resilience in the face of challenges.

Support for Innovation: By encouraging new ideas and embracing risk-taking, these leaders drive the innovative practices necessary for business excellence (Bass, 1985).

Transformational leadership is particularly effective because it focuses on elevating the follower’s level of consciousness about the importance of outcomes and ways to achieve them. Transformational leaders go beyond managing day-to-day operations and craft strategies for taking their organizations, and their followers, to new heights.


The Benefits of Transformational Leadership in Business

Elevating Performance

Transformational leadership significantly enhances organizational performance, particularly in areas such as creativity and innovation (Birasnav, 2013). This focus on performance is essential in various business settings, where leaders must continuously adapt to changing market demands. High performance is not merely about meeting targets but involves achieving long-term sustainable growth by inspiring employees to exceed their own expectations.

Building Collaborative Relationships

The trust cultivated by transformational leaders enables the creation of enduring partnerships within and outside the organization. Such relationships facilitate the flow of information and collaboration, which is critical for maintaining seamless operations and mitigating uncertainties. These leaders understand the value of a strong network and often engage in extensive relationship-building activities, which can lead to strategic alliances and partnerships beneficial for the organization.

Encouraging Motivation and Overcoming Resistance

Human resistance to change is a common barrier in business improvements (Sahay et al., 2002). Transformational leaders excel at motivating teams to embrace change and navigate complexities, positioning organizations to adapt swiftly and maintain operational continuity. They create an environment where employees feel safe to express their concerns and fears about changes, thus enabling the leader to address these issues proactively.

Driving Innovation and Resilience

Transformational leaders foster an environment that supports innovation by promoting experimentation and challenging conventional practices. This mindset is crucial for developing resilient and efficient business strategies, as well as driving continuous improvement. Innovation under transformational leadership is not just about new products or services but includes processes, business models, and strategies that can provide a competitive edge.


Real-World Examples of Transformational Leaders

Alan Mullaly - Former CEO of Ford Motor Company

Alan Mullaly guided Ford through a challenging financial period by establishing a unifying vision and removing siloed objectives. His approach not only improved Ford’s financial performance but also boosted employee morale and engagement. Mullaly’s "One Ford" plan streamlined operations and focused on teamwork, leading to significant turnaround for the company.

Jeff Bezos - Founder of Amazon

Jeff Bezos transformed Amazon into a leader in various industries through his visionary approach. He prioritized innovation and risk-taking, which led to advancements in areas such as e-commerce and supply chain management. Bezos’s insistence on customer obsession, long-term thinking, and embracing failure as a learning tool has driven Amazon’s continuous innovation and market dominance.

Indra Nooyi - Former CEO of PepsiCo

Indra Nooyi’s tenure at PepsiCo is another excellent example of transformational leadership. She focused on sustainable growth by integrating health and wellness into the company's product portfolio, leading the "Performance with Purpose" initiative. Nooyi’s leadership style emphasized empathy, ethical behavior, and innovation, which helped PepsiCo achieve long-term strategic goals.

Satya Nadella - CEO of Microsoft

Since becoming CEO, Satya Nadella has transformed Microsoft by fostering a culture of continuous learning and collaboration. He shifted the company’s focus from traditional software to cloud computing and AI. Nadella’s emphasis on empathy, inclusivity, and innovation has reinvigorated Microsoft, making it one of the most valuable companies in the world.

Mary Barra - CEO of General Motors

Mary Barra has led General Motors through significant transformations by focusing on electric and autonomous vehicles. Her leadership style involves open communication, ethical decision-making, and a relentless pursuit of innovation. Barra’s initiatives have positioned GM as a forward-thinking leader in the automotive industry.

Being mentored by leaders like Mullaly, Bezos, Nooyi, Nadella, and Barra can provide invaluable insights into strategic thinking, risk management, and innovation. Such mentorship offers an opportunity to learn from their experiences and apply these lessons to one's career.


Transformational leaders provide exceptional mentorship to aspiring professionals across industries. By embodying the traits of inspiration, trust, motivation, and innovation, these leaders guide their mentees toward excellence and empower them to navigate the complexities of the modern business landscape. The insights gained from these leaders can be transformative, helping mentees to achieve significant personal and professional growth.

Aspiring professionals should actively seek opportunities to learn from transformational leaders. By adopting these leadership traits, they can cultivate the skills necessary for success and make meaningful contributions to their organizations. In a world where change is the only constant, the ability to inspire, build trust, motivate, and innovate will set leaders apart and drive their organizations forward.


Birasnav, M. (2013). Implementation of supply chain management practices: The role of transformational leadership. Global Business Review, 14(2), 329-342. https://doi.org/10.1177/0972150913477525

Bass, B. M., Avolio, B. J., Jung, D. I., & Berson, Y. (2003). Predicting unit performance by assessing transformational and transactional leadership. Journal of Applied Psychology, 88(2), 207-218. https://doi.org/10.1037/0021-9010.88.2.207

Sahay, B. S., Maini, A., Gupta, A. K., & Gupta, R. K. (2002). Changing the mindsets for success in supply chain management. Vikalpa, 27(3), 39-44.

Dyer, J. H., Cho, D. S., & Chu, W. (2004). Building deep supplier relationships. Harvard Business Review, 82(12), 104-113.

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