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Unlocking Success Through Simplified Thinking

Leveraging simple frameworks, like ants in a colony, can drive efficient business results; the STARR methodology (Situation, Task, Action, Result, Reflection) offers a structured approach to identify core issues, set clear goals, and execute actionable steps.
Taras Malyshev

Global Head of New Business Innovation, Pizza Hut International

Have you ever watched an ant colony? Each ant, though tiny, performs its role with precision, contributing to a complex system that builds anthills, farms, and even wages wars.

The queen doesn't direct every move, and an ant's small nervous system doesn't allow for complex reasoning. Yet, ants operate using basic rules. When many ants follow these rules in a large colony, they display intricate behaviors.

Contrary to common belief, ants don't directly communicate to show paths. Instead, they leave pheromone trails. When another ant detects this trail, it follows it. As more ants traverse the same trail, the pheromone scent intensifies, attracting even more ants. This system enables ants to establish efficient routes to areas of interest.

What Can We Learn from Ants for Business?

Some entrepreneurs manage their business by trying to control and direct every detail. In reality, our brain can only focus on a few key actions; fortunately, only a few truly matter.

Moving fast isn't always the same as moving in the right direction. The pleasure of action can sometimes overshadow the necessity for focus and a pause.

The queen ant doesn't control each ant's actions and doesn't build extensive strategy plans. Instead, she focuses on the most impactful action - colony composition. She produces the ants most needed for the colony at any given time, knowing that their basic functions will lead to the desired outcome.

A single ant may seem insignificant, yet collectively, these tiny creatures create vast and intricate colonies.  Their success lies in the simplicity of their approach: each ant instinctively plays its role, guided by straightforward rules. This simplicity allows them to adapt, survive, and thrive in various environments. In observing an ant colony, one marvels at how such basic individual actions can lead to the creation of complex structures and organized societies.

Reflecting on this phenomenon, we find parallels in the world of business. Companies, much like ant colonies, are made up of individuals each carrying out their roles. Often, in business, we face the temptation to dive into complexity, believing that more intricate strategies yield better results. However, like the ants, there is immense power in simplicity. By distilling processes and strategies to their core, businesses can unlock efficiency and clarity.

This idea of embracing simplicity to manage complexity is not new. Over two millennia ago, Marcus Aurelius, in his Meditations, urged the importance of focused simplicity. In Book 2.5, he advises, "Concentrate like a Roman; do what is in front of you with precise and genuine seriousness, tenderly, willingly, and with justice." His words resonate through the ages, emphasizing that tackling the task at hand with focused simplicity can lead to profound outcomes. This ancient wisdom aligns seamlessly with modern business methodologies that advocate for simplicity in a complex world.

Similarly, for a business owner, there are crucial actions that are beneficial right now. Then there's nothing else, regardless of how essential it seems.

What Can We Do to Simplify?

To navigate this challenge, I'd like to introduce a tool that can help many overcome the ''analysis paralysis'' they often experience – the STARR methodology:

  1. Situation
  2. Task
  3. Action
  4. Result
  5. Reflection


It's vital to frame the situation clearly. Over the years, I've seen owners blinded by product quality or packaging design, often ignoring that customers might need to learn about or see their product.

There's much joy in creation and pride in accomplishments, but it's essential to distance oneself from the process and recognize when it's sufficient and other tasks need addresing.

I once ran an IT business with an outstanding product. Still, I was too focused on perfecting it before attracting customers, which led to the most profound learning of my life. Document your current position as a neutral observer.

If there's no money inflow, document it, don't try to put any assumption on why - state the fact. Avoid personal biases or objectives. Gather accurate, unbiased data with factual data, precise numbers, and direct quotes. Refrain from making assumptions.


Identify your TRUE goal. Pinpoint the business's main objective within the context of the situation. Be specific, even if the task seems counterintuitive. Embrace conflicts, as they can spur innovation. 

Sometimes the objective isn't precisely what you aspire to right now, but rather what draws you nearer to your dream in the long run.

Running my medical business, I had a case where I realized I wouldn't outbid a larger supplier. I could've competed and lost everything. Instead, I understood that my task is to profit and build relationships.

Framing the situation this way, I have opened my mind to notice that there will be a market shortage for necessary materials and stocked up. I bought with higher prices, but much longer pay terms.

When the deficit hit, the competitor turned to me, letting me profit and strengthening my market relationships with both - the vendor and the competition.


Define your next steps. What moves will get you closer to your goal? Think about influencing the situation to achieve your task.

Action is the true difference between an entrepreneur and a dreamer.

At a manufacturing plant I consulted for, the need to boost output was clear and acknowledged at all levels. However, no progress was made without tangible goals and accountability, even if leaders recognized the need. When the exact actions have been defined, ownership, and key expected results cascaded for each quarter the output increased two times.


Visualize the outcome. By pinpointing your actions' desired endpoint, you clarify which tasks to prioritize and which to decline. It's not always about what you do; sometimes, it's about what you choose not to do. 

Visualize your goal by focusing more on key business levers: how do you increase revenue, reduce costs, and enhance customer satisfaction?

For instance, a client aimed to cut waste and boost production efficiency. They were so focused on identifying losses that everyone was zeroed in on this by the time I joined.

When I analyzed their actions, many didn't impact their primary objective. By honing in on customer preferences and reducing the focus elements and projects from 60 to 3, we achieved a 33% cost improvement in just 9 months.


Post-action, ask yourself:

  1. How can similar situations be improved in the future?
  2. How can I ensure my team is eager to collaborate again?

These final steps are vital yet often overlooked. Addressing current issues is just the beginning; we must also learn from our actions.

Consider this: if you step on a rock barefoot and don't remove it or wear shoes next time, you'll likely hurt yourself again. Life is filled with challenges. Assuming you can tackle them all alone is a mistake. True leaders provide solutions that solve problems and inspire their teams to join them on the next adventure rather than looking for an exit. 

Fun is the fuel that empowers people to win. 


At the end of the day, the simpler the plan, the more chances you have to act and get it done. A basketball coach emphasizing basic plays and teamwork over complicated strategies can create a more effective and cohesive team.

For example, a basketball team focusing on passing and moving the ball quickly can outperform a team relying on individual players to make flashy moves.

Reach out if you want to add more hours to your day and streamline your decisions.

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