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What Should I Do With My Life? This is How You Find Your Path

Learn strategies to excel in tech: overcoming obstacles, seeking guidance, and embracing change to forge a dynamic career path.
MentorCruise Team

The MentorCruise team shares crucial career insights in regular blog posts.

Ever found yourself staring blankly at your computer screen, the cursor blinking like a taunting reminder of the question echoing in your mind: "Is this really what I'm supposed to be doing?"

You're not alone. Recent surveys suggest a whopping 85% of us are feeling that same pang of dissatisfaction with our jobs. Young people especially. That's a lot of people grappling with the age-old question: "What should I do with my life?"

In the tech world, where innovation is the norm and change is constant, this question can feel even more overwhelming. It's common to feel overwhelmed by the anxiety and uncertainty of finding direction and purpose.

But here's the thing: it doesn't have to be. This is an unfinished journey you're on, after all.

As someone who's navigated the twists and turns of a tech career, I've learned that finding your path is less about a single "aha" moment and more about an ongoing journey of self-discovery.

Think of this article as your compass, guiding you through the sometimes foggy terrain of career choices and personal aspirations. Whether you're a seasoned tech pro feeling stuck or a newcomer unsure of where to start, I'm here to share the insights and strategies I've gathered.

So, let's dive in. It's time to start uncovering the path that's uniquely yours.

Self-Reflection and Exploration: Your Compass Points to Your Career Path


Alright, let's get real for a moment. Before we can chart a course for your career, we must dig deep and uncover what makes you tick.


Because self-reflection isn't just some touchy-feely exercise – it's the compass that'll point you toward a career that's actually fulfilling.

Why does this matter?

Think about it: When you truly understand your values, passions, and what makes you happy, you're way more likely to find a job that doesn't just pay the bills but actually lights you up.

In this modern world, where burnout is a real risk, that kind of passion can be a game-changer. Understanding your personal values is crucial in making informed career decisions that align with your long-term fulfilment and satisfaction.

So, grab a pen and paper (or your favorite note-taking app) and spend time getting to know what you actually want. Here's your self-reflection cheat sheet:

  1. List Your Interests: Jot down everything that gets you excited, whether it's coding, gaming, volunteering, or even just binge-watching documentaries about space exploration. Don't filter yourself – just let it flow.
  2. Identify Your Values: What's non-negotiable for you? Is it working for a company that prioritizes ethical practices? Having the freedom to innovate? Making a positive impact on the world?
  3. Assess Your Happiness: Think back to past jobs or projects. What made you feel like you were crushing it? What left you feeling drained and uninspired?

This little exercise might seem simple, but trust me, the insights you uncover will be pure gold when figuring out the kind of career that'll make you want to jump out of bed in the morning (or at least not hit the snooze button ten times).

Inventory Time: Your Skills Are Your Superpowers


Now you've got a handle on your passions and values, let's take stock of your skills – the superpowers that'll help you conquer your career goals.

Your Personal Skills Audit

  1. Make a List: Brainstorm all your technical skills (coding languages, software, etc.) and soft skills (communication, problem-solving, leadership, etc.). Most people think they know themselves. They don't.
  2. Highlight Your Favorites: Which skills do you absolutely love using? The ones that make you feel like a total rockstar? These are your sweet spots.
  3. Ask for Feedback: Sometimes our friends and colleagues see our strengths more clearly than we do. Ask them for honest feedback – you might be surprised by what you hear.
  4. Identify Gaps: Are there skills you need to level up on to reach your dream job? No worries, we'll tackle that next.

Expand Your Horizons

Don't limit yourself to what you already know. There's a whole world of possibilities out there, and it's time to explore:

  • Career Aptitude Tests: These can be surprisingly insightful, revealing potential career paths you might not have considered. A little research may uncover a big opportunity you never thought about.
  • Informational Interviews: Chatting with people who are already doing what you want to do is like getting a sneak peek behind the curtain. They can offer invaluable advice and connect you with opportunities you might not find on your own.
  • Learn Something New: Courses, workshops, certifications – there are many ways to upskill and bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be. This can also help you figure out what you want in life.

Career development involves exploring new experiences and taking incremental steps toward larger goals. It's a slow process that includes experiences, reflections, and overcoming fears and self-doubts to find meaningful and enjoyable paths.

Remember, this isn't just about daydreaming about your ideal career – it's about actively investigating the possibilities. And that, my friend, is a major step towards making informed decisions that'll lead you to a career you truly love.

SMART Goals: Your Roadmap to Your Dream Career


Okay, enough with the wishy-washy goals – it's time to get SMART. And no, I'm not talking about fancy gadgets (although those are cool too). I'm talking about a goal-setting framework that'll turn your dreams into reality.

Here's the deal: SMART goals aren't just goals; they're your roadmap to success. They take that fuzzy idea of what you want and transform it into a clear, actionable plan. So, what does SMART stand for?

  • Specific: Ditch the vague goals like "be a better coder." Instead, try "learn Python to build a simple web app." See the difference?
  • Measurable: How will you know you're making progress? Set milestones like "complete one Python tutorial per week."
  • Achievable: Don't set yourself up for failure with unrealistic goals. Make sure your goal is something you can actually accomplish with the time and resources you have.
  • Relevant: Does your goal align with your overall career aspirations? If not, it might be time to re-evaluate.
  • Time-bound: Deadlines are your friends. Give yourself a target date to keep you motivated and on track. You might want to start an online business, but is a month a reasonable time to set everything up?

Setting SMART goals can help plan for one's entire life and career, ensuring that you anticipate constant shifts and make decisions that bring joy and fulfilment.

Your SMART Goal Template

Ready to create your own SMART goal? Ask yourself these questions:

  1. What do I want to achieve (in detail)?
  2. How will I measure my progress and know when I've succeeded?
  3. What steps do I need to take to reach my goal?
  4. How does this goal align with my bigger career dreams?

Once you've answered these questions, you'll have a solid plan that's not just a goal but a roadmap to a career you love.

High-Five Yourself: Celebrate Those Wins!


Okay, let's be honest – the journey to finding your career path isn't always a smooth ride. There will be setbacks, challenges, and moments where you just want to throw your laptop out the window. That's why it's crucial to celebrate every single victory, no matter how small.

Think of it like leveling up in a video game. Each time you master a new skill, land an informational interview, or even just send out a bunch of job applications, you're gaining experience and getting closer to the boss level (aka your dream career).

Why Celebrate?

  • Motivation Boost: Hitting those milestones is like a shot of espresso for your motivation. It reminds you that you're capable of making progress.
  • Momentum: Celebrating small wins keeps you moving forward, even when the going gets tough.
  • Confidence: Each achievement is a brick in the foundation of your self-belief. It shows you that you can do hard things.
  • Happy Life: Recognizing and celebrating your progress contributes to a happy life by reinforcing your sense of purpose and achievement.

So, don't be afraid to give yourself a pat on the back, do a little happy dance, or treat yourself to something special when you reach a milestone. Remember, every big dream is built on a series of smaller wins.

Obstacle Course Ahead: Time to Level Up Your Career Development


Let's not sugarcoat it – the road to your dream tech career might throw some curveballs your way.

Maybe you're feeling overwhelmed by the lightning-fast pace of change, struggling to keep up with the latest tech trends, or just trying to find the time to learn new skills while juggling a million other things.

But here's the secret: Every challenge is an opportunity to level up your game.

  1. Find Your Yoda: Seek out a mentor who has done that. They can offer invaluable advice, share their experiences, and help you navigate the tech jungle like a pro.
  2. Join the Squad: Connect with other techies – online or in person. Having a supportive community can make all the difference when you're feeling stuck or facing a challenge. Plus, it's a great way to stay motivated and share resources.
  3. Embrace Your Inner Rocky: Setbacks are inevitable. But instead of letting them knock you down, use them as fuel to come back stronger. Remember, resilience is your superpower.
  4. Navigate So-Called Life Crises: Overcoming obstacles in your career journey often involves navigating so-called life crises. These transformative experiences can be challenging but are essential for personal and professional growth.

The bottom line is that challenges aren't roadblocks; they're stepping stones on your path to success. With the right tools and mindset, you can overcome any obstacle and emerge even stronger.

So, don't shy away from those challenges – embrace them as opportunities to grow and become the tech superstar you're destined to be.

Phone a Friend (or a Mentor): Building Your Career Support Squad


Think of your career journey as an epic quest – you don't have to go it alone. In fact, having a few trusty sidekicks can make all the difference.

Why Mentorship Matters

A mentor is like having a personal career coach, cheerleader, and sounding board all rolled into one. They can:

  • Share Their Wisdom: Mentors have been there, done that, and bought the t-shirt. They can offer insights and advice based on their own experiences, helping you avoid common pitfalls and make smarter decisions.
  • Give You Personalized Feedback: Whether working on a side project or prepping for a job interview, a mentor can provide tailored feedback to help you improve and grow.
  • Open Doors: Mentors often have extensive networks in the tech industry. They can introduce you to potential employers, collaborators, or simply other awesome people who can help you on your journey.
  • Recognize Your Unique Gifts: Only you can bring your unique gifts and purpose to your career. A mentor can help you tap into these individual qualities and leverage them for success.

MentorCruise: Your Matchmaking Service


If you're unsure where to find a mentor, check out MentorCruise. They connect aspiring tech professionals with experienced mentors who can guide you toward your goals.

And of course, mentorship is amazing is one of the best ways to get personalized help and guidance in a way that best suits you, but don't forget about these other resources:

  • Career Counselors: They can help you clarify your goals, create a career plan, and navigate tricky situations like job transitions.
  • Online Communities: Platforms like Stack Overflow and Reddit are full of helpful folks who are always willing to answer questions and offer advice.
  • Professional Networks: Joining groups like Women Who Code or attending local tech meetups is a great way to meet like-minded people, learn new things, and build your network.

As with most things in life, building a strong support network is crucial for anyone navigating the tech world.

Don't be afraid to ask for help, connect with others, and seek guidance when needed. You'll be amazed at how much faster you can reach your goals with a little help from your friends (and mentors).

Your Turn: Launch Your Career Odyssey

So, there you have it – your roadmap to finding your path in the tech world. We've covered a lot of ground, from soul-searching and skill-building to goal-setting and finding your support squad.

Let's do a quick recap:

  • Overcome Obstacles: Challenges are inevitable, but with resilience, a mentor, and a supportive community, you've got this.
  • Seek Guidance: Mentors are like cheat codes for your career. Whether you find one through MentorCruise or elsewhere, their insights can be invaluable.
  • Embrace Change: The tech world and your career are constantly evolving. Stay curious, keep learning, and be open to new opportunities.

Now, it's time to take action.

Sign up for MentorCruise, start that side project you've been dreaming about, and reach out to someone you admire for an informational interview – the possibilities are endless.

Remember, the perfect career path isn't always a straight line. It's more like a choose-your-own-adventure story, and you're the author. Whether starting your own business, securing a well-paying job, moving to a new city, buying a big house, or starting a family, set big goals and pursue your dreams.

So, grab the pen and start writing the path forward of your tech career saga.

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