Becca Homen

Website Designer & Entrepreneur @ Homen Creative, LLC
7+ Years Designing Products | Website & Graphic Design
United States of America Active yesterday Usually responds in a day or two


$100 / month

Empowerment in entrepreneurship, career pivots, and creating boundaries as a freelance designer.

4 calls per month (45min/call)

Unlimited Q&A via chat

Expect responses in 2 days

Hands-on support

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I am a solution-driven creative with over 7 years of experience in designing and developing products. I've ventured into entrepreneurship, specializing in website and graphic design services for small businesses and entrepreneurs. Despite my background primarily in designing apparel, I am a self-taught digital designer with expertise in web and graphic design.

As a career changer and self-starter, I have proven ability to lead in design, content strategy, and concept development. I understand the challenges of shifting life and career goals, and holding oneself accountable for taking risks. I am eager to connect with others undergoing a career shift, sharing my journey from apparel to web/graphic design, and providing insights for navigating client relationships, setting boundaries, and building efficient processes as a business owner.

My mentorship program typically lasts 1-2 months.

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