
$120 / month

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From nearly declaring bankruptcy to earning 6-figures working for top tech companies like Google, YouTube, & Uber without a technical degree...

I'm Brian Kwa, the founder of MPH Tech Academy, and if you're wondering MPH stands for Motivation Passion Hustle and we help jobseekers get connected to mentors so that they both fast track to the path of achieving success together.

If you're wondering how it all started, read on...

Having grown up in a low-income household first-generation Asian American home with little-to-no guidance I was lost, to say the least. Unsatisfied with my undergrad in microbiology, I set out to find a fulfilling career that gave me purpose and direction. I tried so many odd jobs such as selling car parts online, to working for insurance, and even starting my own YouTube channel.

It wasn't until I stumbled upon talent acquisition that made it all click for me. I wanted to make a greater impact on people's lives with the use of technology.

This is what drove me to create MPH as a place to share my knowledge with others who are aspiring to reach the next level of their life. My vision is to create a network of people who will pay it forward and be able to mentor the next generation the same way they were once mentored.

When it comes to job searching and coaching, we believe mentorship is the fastest way to reach your goals. How fast, MPH, are you driving?

Email: [email protected]

Always be #grateful for every opportunity and remember, "Rejection is just redirection to something better" 🙏🏻

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