
$290 / month

pivot to data science career, revenue impact in current orgs, IC to manager O visa, EB-1 strategy

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I am a Director of Data Science at CVS Health, been at Walmart and AT&T and obtained my PhD in Computational Biology and undergrad in Civil Engineering. I pivoted to a career in Data Science from Engineering. I can help current ICs with creating revenue impact at their current companies and/or transition to become managers.
I can also help transition into a Data Science role from non-CS and non-Engineering backgrounds. There are lot of PhD students and postdocs in academia who are interested in landing a role in industry, I was in the same situation and can help with transitioning into a career in industry without a computer science degree.

Visa consultation: I am recipient of both O visa and EB1 green card with just 16 citations. Given the current challenges with obtaining H1B visa, I can help with strategy to obtain O visa and EB1 green card even if you don't have a PhD.

H1B RFE: I obtained my undergrad in Civil Engineering and PhD in Biomechanics. With the education mismatch for folks working in software engg or data science, I can help strategies how to prepare yourself to deal with such RFE.

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