

The most popular way to get mentored, let's work towards your goals!

4 calls per month (30min/call)

Unlimited Q&A via chat

Expect responses in 3-4 days

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Work experience

15+ years designing for digital products:
3 years web designer and front-end specialist in web agency specialised in SEO. Naples, Italy
4 years UX/UI designer in e-commerce. Barcelona, Spain
5 years as UX Lead in ForceManager, CRM, software (top 10 Spanish startups). IOs, Android, Webapp, team of 3 designers. Barcelona, Spain
3 years in AWS / CloudWatch. Senior UX designer Dublin, Ireland. More details below.

Human Machine Interaction master degree. 2 years degree (1 year in UX research, 1 year interaction design + Usability test) - Universitat oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain
IDEO - Design thinking certification

Open to inquiries

You can message Laura to ask questions before booking their services

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5 out of 5 stars

Standard Plan · 
1 month

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