Raj Singh

Machine Learning Engineer @ Amazon
Machine Learning @ Amazon, expert at helping others break into industry
United States of America Active 4 months ago


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If you're looking to break into machine learning, you've come to the right place! I entered industry as an ML Engineer straight out of my bachelor's degree (no Master's or PhD) through persistence, intelligent networking, and focused personal projects. After two years of work at an AI startup, where I made several valuable contributions to our NLP-based product, I joined Amazon as a Machine Learning Engineer.

Many people believe that the only way to break into ML is by getting fancy degrees or doing expensive bootcamps, but the reality is that mastering key skills, such as networking, pitching yourself to companies, and performing well in interviews is most important. As someone who's been successful with these strategies, I can help mentees land their dream job without having them enter the endless loop of degrees, bootcamps, and courses.