Quick Responder

Andrew Munnings

Freelance Project Manager and Director
Supporting stressed business owners, frustrated by lack of growth to feel fulfilled & rewarded again
United Kingdom 5.0 (1 review) Active last month

DeTox a Toxic workplace

The quickest way to fix a toxic workplace is to change the manager - but this is not possible when the manager is also the owner or family. In this case you have to change the behavior - in these intensive one on one sessions …

$500 / 90 min

New to coaching - experience the where what and how - and walk away knowing if it is for you.

A half day session (3 hours) in which we go through an assessment of where you are, what your goals are - and if and how they are achievable. The goal of this is to give you an in-depth understanding of what coaching and mentoring …

$100 / 90 min

Introductory Call

If you're looking for a mentor, and you're just not sure about how this all works – this one is for you. In a casual, informal introductory call, a mentor will introduce themselves, show you around the platform, explain how our mentorships work, and explain …

$39 / 20 min