Quick Responder

Anne May Brown

Content Strategy Business Consultant & Compassionate Mentor
Boost Your Content: Expert Consultation for Businesses and Mentorship for Emerging Professionals
United States of America Active today Usually responds in a few hours

Book-As-You-Need Mentorship

Get the support you need, when you need it, with flexible one-time mentorship sessions. Whether it's for feedback, guidance, or career insights, these 50-minute sessions are crafted to address your specific challenges. Note: You must have completed an introductory call before booking. Ideal for those …

$75 / 50 min

Introductory Call

If you're looking for a mentor, and you're just not sure about how this all works – this one is for you. In a casual, informal introductory call, a mentor will introduce themselves, show you around the platform, explain how our mentorships work, and explain …

$39 / 20 min