David Grayson

Senior Machine Learning Engineer @ Buzz solutions
PhD data scientist with 5+ years industry experience in ML
United States of America 5.0 (3 reviews) Active this month

Introductory Call

If you're looking for a mentor, and you're just not sure about how this all works – this one is for you. In a casual, informal introductory call, a mentor will introduce themselves, show you around the platform, explain how our mentorships work, and explain …

$39 / 20 min

Expert Consultation

This can cover any of the following, based on your needs: - Career coaching - Technical education - Coursework recommendations / assignments - Hands-On Help - Pair Work - Business Communication and & Strategy - Technical Architecture & Strategy We can outline the scope of …

$120 / 60 min

Resume Feedback

Having a good resume on hand when going on the job hunt is crucial, and will make your search a lot easier. Even if you're not looking for a new position right now, having an up-to-date CV that sells your experience to future potential employers …

$89 / 30 min