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Rodrigo Aronas

Director of Course Talent Operations @ Springboard
Experienced business leader with 10+ years of experience in management, leadership and coaching
United States of America 5.0 (4 reviews) Active this month

Career Strategy

Sometimes, a strategy is needed to accomplish a future career change, or simply to get further in your current position. Should you go back to school? Look for a new job? Learn a new set of skills by yourself? Become a freelancer? One of our …

$119 / 45 min

Personal Development Coaching

Create a more fulfilled life; Identify values, purpose and goals. This type of coaching takes you on a journey of introspection that ends in taking action to move forward regarding the different issues that one is facing. A personal coach acts as a catalyst towards …

$60 / 60 min

Expert Consultation

Whatever doesn't fit the mold: Get a full hour with a mentor to discuss your needs. Be it help with coding something, creating a software architecture, deciding on a strategy for your business or working in pairs. If you don't know whether what you want …

$189 / 60 min

Introductory Call

If you're looking for a mentor, and you're just not sure about how this all works – this one is for you. In a casual, informal introductory call, a mentor will introduce themselves, show you around the platform, explain how our mentorships work, and explain …

$39 / 20 min