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Shyle Braithwaite

Performance & Leadership Development Coach @ Shyle Braithwaite Coaching
15+ years in Customer Experience | Certified Coach
Canada 3.0 (1 review) Active this month Usually responds in a few hours
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$180 / month

Best suited for career growth, ongoing strategy support, and guidance.

2 calls per month

Unlimited Q&A via chat

Expect responses in 2 days

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Hey there, I'm Shyle, a Leadership Development Coach and Customer Experience Professional based in Lucan, Ontario.

I'm a Certified Leadership Development Integral Coach™, and Certified Scrum Master. I provide leadership development coaching, career coaching, and customer success coaching services to help my clients bring about positive change and progress towards their goals. Whether you're looking to learn to new skills to be a better leader to your team, drive retention or renewals, I combine openness and acceptance with a strong capacity to cut through the weeds and get right to the heart of things to help unblock you.

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