How to become a JavaScript Developer

Becoming a JavaScript Developer is an in-demand career path. It requires deep expertise in JavaScript and a strong network to carry you along. Here are some resources to help you on your journey.

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Why should you become a 
JavaScript Developer?

JavaScript Developer

Demand for experts in JavaScript is growing rapidly. Companies are looking for people with deep expertise in the field of JavaScript to help them build their products and services.

As a result, JavaScript Developers are in high demand and command high salaries. According to leading sources, the median salary for a JavaScript Developer is $110,000 and a senior JavaScript Developer can earn up to $150,000. Even entry-level positions can command great salaries.

No wonder that interest in a career in JavaScript is growing rapidly. Explore the resources below to learn more about how to become a JavaScript Developer.

Best books to build JavaScript understanding.

A well-written and thorough book can be an amazing path to build deeper understanding and also act as a handbook as you discover the internet's vast resources.

These are our and our experts top picks to get started building career-relevant skills.

JavaScript: The Definitive Guide

For nearly 25 years this best seller has been the go-to guide for JavaScript programmers. The seventh edition is fully updated to cover the 2020 version of JavaScript, and new chapters cover classes, modules, iterators, generators, Promises, async/await, and metaprogramming. You’ll find illuminating and engaging example code throughout.

A Smarter Way to Learn JavaScript

The author wrote the book and exercises especially for people who are new to programming. Making no assumptions about what you already know, the author walks you through JavaScript slowly, patiently. They explain every little thing in sixth-grade English and avoid unnecessary technical jargon like the plague.

Maintainable JavaScript: Writing Readable Code

You may have definite ideas about writing code when working alone, but team development requires that everyone use the same approach. With the JavaScript practices in this book—including code style, programming tips, and automation—you will learn how to write maintainable code that other team members can easily understand, adapt, and extend.

JavaScript: The Good Parts

Considered the JavaScript expert by many people in the development community, author Douglas Crockford identifies the abundance of good ideas that make JavaScript an outstanding object-oriented programming language-ideas such as functions, loose typing, dynamic objects, and an expressive object literal notation. Unfortunately, these good ideas are mixed in with bad and downright awful ideas, l…

Effective JavaScript

In order to truly master JavaScript, you need to learn how to work effectively with the language’s flexible, expressive features and how to avoid its pitfalls. No matter how long you’ve been writing JavaScript code, Effective JavaScript will help deepen your understanding of this powerful language, so you can build more predictable, reliable, and maintainable programs.

Eloquent JavaScript, 3rd Edition

This much anticipated and thoroughly revised third edition of Eloquent JavaScript dives deep into the JavaScript language to show you how to write beautiful, effective code. It has been updated to reflect the current state of JavaScript and web browsers and includes brand-new material on features like class notation, arrow functions, iterators, async functions, template strings, and block scop…

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Courses to deepen your JavaScript skills.

These days, courses are no longer a sequence of videos. They are usually accompanied by projects and a learning community, keeping you accountable and on the path.

Our experts recommend these courses, from free selections to paid programs.

The Complete JavaScript Course 2020

Become an advanced, confident, and modern JavaScript developer from scratch. Build 6 beautiful real-world projects for your portfolio (not boring toy apps). Complex concepts like the 'this' keyword, higher-order functions, closures, etc. This best-selling course can truly take you from zero to one …

JavaScript 30

Beginner to Intermediate developers and designers who want to become comfortable with both JavaScript fundamentals and working in the DOM without a library. You should already know some JavaScript to start - This isn't a JavaScript 101 course. We learn by application - encountering many new situati…

UI: Advanced JavaScript

We're obsessed with making the most effective developer education content on the planet. On average, it takes us around 1,900 hours to create a new course. While others prioritize quantity, we optimize for quality. After learning about the topic you'll receive a quiz to make sure you have a solid …

Top JavaScript Certifications

Mastering the fundamentals of JavaScript will help you earn valuable certifications. Our expert mentors can guide you through the certification process and help strengthen your knowledge.

JavaScript Institute Certification

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The JavaScript Institute offers you a JavaScript certification program designed by JavaScript experts. It will help you to comprehensively learn about JavaScript technology, as well as it will allow you to assess your programming skills and prove your competences. JavaScript is the most commonly…

JavaScript Certification Coaching

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Consider reaching out to a coach specialized in JavaScript certifications. They can help you prepare for your exam, and provide you with the necessary resources to succeed. MentorCruise is the best place to find a coach for your JavaScript certification. Here are a few top picks:

JSA – Certified Associate JavaScript Programmer Certification

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JSA – Certified Associate JavaScript Programmer certification is a professional credential that demonstrates the candidate’s proficiency in Object-Oriented Analysis, Design and Programming (OOA/OOD/OOP), as well as the more advanced use of functions in the JavaScript language.

Prices sta…

JSE – Certified Entry-Level JavaScript Programmer Certification

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JSE – Certified Entry-Level JavaScript Programmer certification is a professional credential that demonstrates the candidate’s understanding of the JavaScript language core syntax and semantics, as well as their proficiency in using the most essential elements of the language, tools, and resourc…

Scaler JavaScript Course With Certification

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Kickstart your journey into web development with this free JavaScript course online with a certificate. Designed for beginners, this comprehensive JavaScript online course covers the essential concepts and skills needed to master Javascript, one of the most popular and widely used programming la…

UCDavis: JavaScript Basics

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This course introduces the programming language JavaScript and shows the websites that include the type of interactions students will eventually be able to develop.
Learners will understand the importance of how JavaScript was developed and why such history impacts the way JavaScript is curre…

JavaScript Workshop

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Consider joining a workshop specialized in JavaScript. Workshops are a great way to learn new skills, and get hands-on experience. MentorCruise is the best place to find a workshop for your JavaScript certification. Here are a few top picks:

Get the guidance you need to become a JavaScript Developer

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If you are looking for someone with experience in Cloud & DevOps Engineering, that's me! I am a skilled professional with a passion for staying ahead of the curve. Part of my day-to-day job is to build scalable Infrastructure as Code Solutions using Terraform and Terragrunt, Pipeline Configuration with CircleCI, …

$220 / month
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I am a Product Engineer with experience across startups and large corporations like Microsoft and Expedia, I bring a unique perspective on career growth, industry transitions, and skill development. My background spans web development, product engineering, and consulting, allowing me to guide professionals through different career stages.

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My favorite thing about programming is that it's accessible to everyone and I love helping people understand just how easy programming can be. I've helped developers in all different places in life, everywhere from getting their first job, to navigating difficult communication with their managers, to getting a great new …

$150 / month

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I'm a former technical recruiter turned software engineer, YouTuber and indie hacker! I'm passionate about helping people break into the tech industry (particularly as a career changer), and helping them innovate. If you're either looking for your first job in tech, or you're in your first role right now, I'd …

$120 / month
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Started my career as an intern in a small tech company, went to Techstars NYC and fell in love with entrepreneurship and web development. At the beginning I felt insecure, confused, misguided and alone. Today, part of my mission is to make this path easier for those walking it for …

$180 / month
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I believe that with persistence, humility, and resourcefulness, anyone can thrive as a software engineer and build a fulfilling career in tech. My journey began with three internships, including two at Microsoft, while earning my Computer Science degree at the University of Utah. After graduation, I joined Microsoft full-time and …

$240 / month
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The JavaScript must-reads you shouldn't miss.

Key articles and posts of industry experts can help you get a better picture of what you are getting into.

In our opinion, these are some must-reads you really shouldn't miss.

Full Stack Developer's Roadmap

It's easy to focus on the front end of web development, but what about the back end? Learning about the back end improves your front end skills. Here are some resources for full stack development that you can save for later.

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JavaScript Visualized: the JavaScript Engine

JavaScript is cool, but how can a machine actually understand the code you've written? As JavaScript devs, we usually don't have to deal with compilers ourselves. However, it's definitely good to know the basics of the JavaScript engine and see how it handles our human-friendly JS code, and turns it into something machines understand!

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70 JavaScript Interview Questions

A collection of 70 real-world JS interview questions, as collected by a full-stack developer in the space. Crucial to go through these as a job hunter and make sure you pass the next interview with flying colors!

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Opportunities and projects in the JavaScript space.

In the end, advancing your career is all about getting the right opportunities at the right time and a good portion of luck.

These are some interesting things going on in the JavaScript space and you probably don't want to miss them.

Write a NPM package

JavaScript and NPM relies on open-source. As a developer, you are in the best position to share your knowledge and share your work. Being a NPM package author also puts you on the radar of companies, so get on this!

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