Certified Scrum Master: Career Path

Join the ranks of a Scrum Master to propel your career in project management forward and enter new heights in career standing and salary levels.

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What does the Certified Scrum Master career path entail?

Certified Scrum Master

Scrum has taken the project management world by storm. Over 60% of teams rely on the management technique to ship their projects. As a certified scrum master you are at the helm of development teams and make sure the team ships effectively.

The certifications is challenging. Certified scrum masters are experts in project management and highly sought after. Scrum masters often achieve six figure salaries early in their careers.

Best books to explore the Scrum career path.

A well-written and thorough book can be an amazing path to build deeper understanding and also act as a handbook as you discover the internet's vast resources.

These are our and our experts top picks to get started building career-relevant skills.

The Making of a Manager: What to Do When Everyone Looks to You

The Making of a Manager: What to Do When Everyone Looks to You

No idea what you're doing? No problem. Good managers are made, not born. Top tech executive Julie Zhuo remembers the moment when she was asked to lead a team. She felt like she’d won the golden ticket, until reality came crashing in. She was just 25 and had barely any experience being managed, let alone managing others. Her co-workers became her employees overnight, and she faced a series of anxiety-inducing firsts, including agonising over whether to hire an interviewee; seeking the respect of reports who were cleverer than her; and having to fire someone she liked. Like most first-time managers, she wasn’t given any formal training, and had no resources to turn to for help. It took her years to find her way, but now she’s offering you the short-cut to success. This is the book she wishes she had on day one.

Introduction to Project Management

Introduction to Project Management

Upscale your career with this Introduction to Project Management program by Simplilearn. Gain an understanding of project management fundamentals to prepare for the next big role in your professional career. Learn project management by familiarizing yourself with PMP® basics, Agile, Scrum, and Microsoft Project 2013 — to lead any project from start-to-finish.

Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time

Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time

In the future, historians may look back on human progress and draw a sharp line designating “before Scrum” and “after Scrum.” Scrum is that ground-breaking. It already drives most of the world’s top technology companies. And now it’s starting to spread to every domain where leaders wrestle with complex projects.

The Scrum Master Files: Secrets Every Coach Should Know

The Scrum Master Files: Secrets Every Coach Should Know

An adequate Scrum Master may introduce Sprints and Events. But only a truly great Scrum Master understands that Scrum Mastery has nothing to do with being this kind of a crutch for people. Scrum Masters are coaches who understand how to help people help themselves to achieve their goals and objectives.

Lean UX

Lean UX

Inspired by Lean and Agile development theories, Lean UX lets you focus on the actual experience being designed, rather than deliverables. This book shows you how to collaborate closely with other members of your Agile product team, and gather feedback early and often.

The Lean Startup

The Lean Startup

Rather than wasting time creating elaborate business plans, The Lean Startup offers entrepreneurs—in companies of all sizes—a way to test their vision continuously, to adapt and adjust before it’s too late. Ries provides a scientific approach to creating and managing successful startups in a age when companies need to innovate more than ever.

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Courses to deepen your Scrum skills.

These days, courses are no longer a sequence of videos. They are usually accompanied by projects and a learning community, keeping you accountable and on the path.

Our experts recommend these courses, from free selections to paid programs.

Change Management for Projects

Change Management for Projects

For a change initiative to succeed, project managers must effectively support those affected by the change during the project. In this course, instructor Claudine Peet discusses the importance of planning change management activities for a project, sharing tips and techniques that can help you confidently approach the people side of project management. Claudine goes over change management roles and activities in the project management lifecycle, as well as techniques for grappling with the effects of change on individuals. She details what type of resistance to look out for and how to tackle it effectively; how to train people with different learning styles; how to plan change communications; how to deal with team members who lack motivation; and more.

The Making of a Manager: What to Do When Everyone Looks to You

The Making of a Manager: What to Do When Everyone Looks to You

No idea what you're doing? No problem. Good managers are made, not born. Top tech executive Julie Zhuo remembers the moment when she was asked to lead a team. She felt like she’d won the golden ticket, until reality came crashing in. She was just 25 and had barely any experience being managed, let alone managing others. Her co-workers became her employees overnight, and she faced a series of anxiety-inducing firsts, including agonising over whether to hire an interviewee; seeking the respect of reports who were cleverer than her; and having to fire someone she liked. Like most first-time managers, she wasn’t given any formal training, and had no resources to turn to for help. It took her years to find her way, but now she’s offering you the short-cut to success. This is the book she wishes she had on day one.

LinkedIn Cert Prep: Scrum Master

LinkedIn Cert Prep: Scrum Master

Become certified as a scrum master and become more marketable in your field. Scrum certification demonstrates your knowledge and abilities to employers and clients, and proves you can be trusted to accomplish important business objectives. This course helps candidates master the foundational knowledge they need to study in order to pass several of the leading scrum master exams.

Scrum for Beginners

Scrum for Beginners

Learn Scrum, understand the Agile principles & prepare for your Agile/Scrum Master certification in 2022. Learn to apply agile principles in a team context especially software and product development. The course requires the candidates to have some prior experience of project management and delivery especially in a software development environment.

The Lean Startup Seminar

The Lean Startup Seminar

How to create a system of "innovation accounting" within your company so that everyone is building products that meets customers needs.

The easiest and fastest ways to build minimum viable products so you can get your product launched as quickly as possible.

Get the guidance you need on the Certified Scrum Master career path

There is no better source of accountability and motivation than having a personal mentor. What used to be impossible to find is now just two clicks away! All mentors are vetted & hands-on!

The Scrum must-reads you shouldn't miss.

Key articles and posts of industry experts can help you get a better picture of what you are getting into.

In our opinion, these are some must-reads you really shouldn't miss.

How to become a project manager: the 2021 guide

The way we work is changing. No matter what role or industry you’re in, you’ve probably noticed it too. According to the consultancy firm Bain & Company, by 2027 most work will be project-based. And as a result, the Project Management Institute reports that the demand for project managers has been growing more rapidly than the demand for skilled workers in other occupations.

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Six Insider Tips to be a Good Scrum Master

A stronghold over your training gives you the advantage to set the tone right for your peers. For example, scrum comes with guidelines and values that a true leader needs to comprehend to help people understand the importance of continuous inspection and adaptation.

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How to Become a Scrum Master

A Scrum master is one of the primary roles on an Agile project using the Scrum framework. This person is the key facilitator, responsible for arranging the daily meetings, improving team interactions, and maximizing productivity by removing roadblocks. Here’s an overview of how to become a Scrum master in seven simple steps.

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Scrum 101

Scrum is a lightweight project management and team collaboration approach. It’s widely used but also misunderstood because of its terminology and inherent iteration – even on itself.

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Opportunities and projects in the Scrum space.

In the end, advancing your career is all about getting the right opportunities at the right time and a good portion of luck.

These are some interesting things going on in the Scrum space and you probably don't want to miss them.

What Does a Project Manager Do? | Roles and Responsibilities

If you’re considering a career in project management, you’re likely curious about the different roles and responsibilities you’ll have after earning your degree or certification. Here, we take a closer look at what project managers do—including key responsibilities—so you can better decide if it is the right career for you.

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Awesome Project Management

Awesome lists about Project Management interesting and useful topics.

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Measure What Matters: OKRs

OKRs are well-established in data-driven organizations. This book by John Doerr talks about what OKRs to use and how to implement them right to focus on the right things.

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Growing into a Senior Certified Scrum Master role pays off – $20,000 up to per year.

Not only is the progression from individual Certified Scrum Master to a Senior role a natural progression, it also makes all the difference in your average salary.

On a global average, Senior Certified Scrum Master receive a $20,000 salary hike over entry-level Certified Scrum Masters when they go from individual contributor to senior personnel.

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