Top C# Courses to consider in 2024

Courses are a great way to deepen your understanding of a C#. They are designed to be comprehensive and cover a wide range of topics. Here are the top 8 C# courses to consider in 2024.

List of C# Courses

C# courses are plentiful and varied. Here are the top 8 C# courses to consider in 2024.

Earn a Free C# Certification from Microsoft and freeCodeCamp

This professional certification includes 35 hours of training from Microsoft and an online certification exam by freeCodeCamp.
By the end of this process, you'll have earned your very own verified certification that you can add to your Résumé, LinkedIn, or CV.

C# for .NET Developers

In this comprehensive course, learners will dive deep into the foundations of C# programming, an essential component of the .NET framework. The course begins by exploring the basics of programming concepts such as variables, data types, and control structures. Then it progressively ventures into more advanced topics, including object-oriented programming (OOP).
The course unfolds through the following core modules:
The "Introduction to ASP.NET" module offers participants a comprehensive understanding of ASP.NET and its architecture. It covers how to create dynamic web appl…

C# Programming for Unity Game Development Specialization

This specialization is intended for beginning programmers who want to learn how to program Unity games using C#. The first course assumes no programming experience, and throughout the 4 courses in the specialization you'll learn how to program in C# and how to use that C# knowledge to program Unity games. The C# and Unity material in the courses in the specialization is slightly more comprehensive than the content in the first 2 game programming courses at UCCS.

Introduction to C# Programming and Unity

This course is all about starting to learn how to develop video games using the C# programming language and the Unity game engine on Windows or Mac. Why use C# and Unity instead of some other language and game engine? Well, C# is a really good language for learning how to program and then programming professionally. Also, the Unity game engine is very popular with indie game developers; Unity games were downloaded 16,000,000,000 times in 2016! Finally, C# is one of the programming languages you can use in the Unity environment.
This course doesn't assume you have any previous progra…

C# Certification Course

One of the most popular server side languages, C# is a programming language developed in the labs of Microsoft. This versatile language is among the most popularly used object oriented languages in development of mobile apps, cloud based services, enterprise software, and games, and learning it can help you grow in your career by leaps and bounds.
C# is a general-purpose, object-oriented programming language that uses variables, operators, data types, statements, and flow control to design applications. A hybrid of C and C++, it was developed by Microsoft as a competitor to Java. It is…

Programming in Microsoft C# - Exam 70-483

In this Programming in Microsoft C# - Exam 70-483 training course, expert author Mark Long will teach you the fundamental aspects of C#, and help you prepare for Microsoft's 70-483 certification exam. This course is designed for the absolute beginner, meaning no experience with C# is required.
You will start by learning about the Visual Studio setup, then jump into learning the C# basics, such as classes, objects, C# types, and value and reference types. From there, Mark will teach you how to work with C# types, such as how to use properties and fields, access modifiers, and underst…

C# Advanced Concepts

C# is a powerful and versatile programming language that can be used to build a wide variety of applications, from desktop and web applications to mobile and game applications.
In this comprehensive C# course, you'll learn everything you need to know to start building powerful C# applications, from the basics of the language to more advanced features such as generics and asynchronous programming.
Whether you're a complete beginner or an experienced programmer looking to learn a new language, this course will teach you everything you need to know to succeed.

C# Programming - Coding with C# Syntax

This course will first introduce you to C# Programming. You will look into C# Programming statements and C# Programming expressions as well as study unary operator, binary operator, conditional operator, equality operator, and assignment operator. The course will discuss the keywords used in iteration statements which can cause embedded statements to be executed a number of times, subject to the loop-termination criteria. You will also study the types of classes by which Methods are declared.
You will then study the While Iteration which can help you execute a statement or a block of st…

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